Solara Power

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Solara Power is an Arizona based design, build, fabricate, package and install company specializing in solar photovoltaic, wind turbine and remote back-up, electric power packages.

Solar and wind, grid-tied and off-grid systems from Solara Power are equally affordable to a DIY installer or a home builder. Solara Power Company manufactures, assembles, packages, supplies and installs, grid-tied and off-grid, solar photovoltaic panels, wind power generators, Lithium ion and deep cycle battery packs, digital charge controllers, bio gas units, animal powered electric generators and alternate energy custom power solutions for customers worldwide.

According to Solara Power’s marketing manager Jerry O’conner currently their company is focusing on Africa and they have their products being used in Libya and South Africa.

Solara Power’s solar and wind power Off Grid packages start from US$370. Solara Power design, build, package and erect 1MW to 130MW solar, wind, oil, gas, bio-mass power units globally. Solar Panels and Wind Energy DIY Systems manufactured and packaged under Solara Power and SolarMan brands are ideal for DIY grid-tied or off-grid projects.


Jerry O’conner

[email protected]