Home » Spain based construction firm Alsina Group now targets Asia

Spain based construction firm Alsina Group now targets Asia

Home » Spain based construction firm Alsina Group now targets Asia

Spain based construction firm Alsina Group is an international manufacturing company, selling and renting formwork and concrete solutions. Based in Barcelona, it currently employs over 600 people and it operates in 20 markets, having more than 25 delegations. It offers services and distributes products needed for hundreds of projects worldwide. With over 65 years of experience in creating value in the sector, -for Alsina celebrates its 65th anniversary next October-, the Group has become a leader company in the formwork world, and that is the reason why it contributes to multiple and diverse projects around the world.

Internationalization is key to the Group
As it has been happening in the last years, Alsina continues to increase and consolidate its international presence through the internationalization of its products, services and technology, and the Alsina business model, based on offering a full comprehensive service and the opportunity to rent its formwork systems. These aspects applied to internationalization have been key to the positive development of the group, 70% of the business comes from generated international operations. Thus, the Alsina Group turnover was 65.5 M € in 2014 (representing an increase of 7% compared to 2013) and has a forecast of 10% of growth in 2015.

Currently, the Group has consolidated its presence in the American market, both North and South. The Group has a strong presence and activity in Latin America, having undertaken major projects in countries such as Chile (where the delegation celebrated its 10th anniversarylast November), Uruguay, Panama, Peru and Paraguay, resulting in an activity corresponding to 34% of total turnover. In addition, Alsina has collaboration agreements in Colombia to implement its formwork systems, having recently taken the decision to open a new office in Mexico, which will end up consolidating its presence in Central America.

In fact, in 2014 IniciativaPymes granted the Alsina Group the Global Awards as the best Spanish company abroad, thanks to its innovation, good practice and tangible results, unanimously recognizing the excellence of its internationalization process, which adds the upward trend of its exports over the past fifteen years, the good management of its own brand and the quality of its products and services.

In addition to this, the Group has recently received the support of the Compañía Española de Financiacióndeldesarrollo, COFIDES, SA, to consolidate its growth in Latin America. For this, the company will grant a joint venture loan for a total amount of 2.5 million Euros for the financing of investment of two of the Alsina subsidiaries in the South American market.

Moreover, the Group has undertaken a review of its strategic plan for internationalization, relying on Middle East, India and South-East Asia as potential growing markets, in addition to its maturity in North Africa.

Constant commitment to innovation
Even if Alsina knows that Internationalization has been key to surviving the remarkable decline in the construction activity in Spain since the crisis hit, the Group keeps investing in the country with the positive view that 2016 will be a year of growth in the sector, considering that as of June 2015 growth in Spain has been 25% higher over the same period of 2014. Thus, it is forecast that the division of implementing security works in Spain will invoice 1.5 M €.

So, Alsina decides to keep investments, investing 9.7 M € in Equipment Rental in 2014 and with a forecast of 12 M € in 2015, and supports the development of its own software at a technical level, which allows very high productivity and optimization of equipment to provide better customer service. One example is the STC Software developed by Alsina, which won the prize ex aequo in the category of Innovation in construction for the design of this software to calculate underpinnings in concrete structures awarded by “CatalunyaConstrucció 2014” among others awards.

Likewise, the Group continues to promote innovation through its R & D department, which has created far more than 100 patents and formwork systems that characterize the Group, thanks to which it is expected to present a new and revolutionary formwork system for residential construction in the next Bauma 2016.

Alsina values as a key axis of Internationalization
Alsina maintains its firm commitment to maintain its corporate values in the different cultures of the countries where it operates regularly. These values are aligned with the core business of a company that is engaged in the design, manufacture and rental of its own formwork systems.

In order to ensure that this business model (certified ISO 9001: 2008) is implemented regularly in all countries, the company conducts internal audits of its employees to determine the degree of brand recognition and affinity and the values that represent it.

Josep Alsina Oliva, Group CEO, highlights that in the last internal satisfaction survey it was found out that the rate of affinity with the corporate values of the Alsina Group is higher in the subsidiaries than in the central branch located in Barcelona, and therefore it ensures the business model based on a corporate feature that is different from all the companies operating in the formwork industry.

Alsina, a strong international presence
As an example of the successful process of internationalization of the Group, we list below some of the most important works in which the Alsina Group is currently involved in a variety of building types and in different markets:
• Antofagasta ChileHospital
• Pachitea Bridge, in Huánuco (Peru)
• Residential Blue Tower in Asunción, Paraguay
• El Encanto Resort in Mexico
• Bridgeover the Atlantic in Panama
Europe and Africa
• Baixo SaborDamin Portugal
• Bridge over the Mersey River, Liverpool, United Kingdom
• New Headquarters of Banco Popular in Madrid, Spain
• New Church of Santa Anna in Rapallo, Italy
• Gran Teatro de Casablanca in Morocco
Middle East and Asia
• New Orbital Highway &Truck Route, Qtar

Press Contact
David Espadas Martorell
Marketing Communications Responsible
Encofrados J. Alsina, S. A.
Camí de la Font Freda, 1
08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona – Spain)
Mobile +34 610 773 738 – Phone +34 935 753 000
Email: [email protected] / Web: www.alsina.com