Home » The Mediterranean Group (EA) specialized solution to construction industry

The Mediterranean Group (EA) specialized solution to construction industry

Home » The Mediterranean Group (EA) specialized solution to construction industry

Mediterranean Group (EA) is an established company in the construction industry that has been offering innovative, high quality and specialized solutions within the construction industry for the last two decades.

Whilst in early years the company has solely focused on structural foundations constructions, it has now diversified and has expanded its operations and technology throughout the East Africa countries and is now considered as one of the leading experts offering construction services in the region.

The diversification has resulted to an exponential growth with the business taking pride in managing all the aspects of the project from foundation piling and designs, shoring wall protected excavation pits, bridge construction, and marine works, to geo-technical investigations among others.

The success story of the company is a result of a culture of sheer commitment at every level of the organization through updated technological innovation. They have time and again proven themselves as the leading innovators throughout East Africa and the African content at large by demonstrating their combination of experience and innovation through the delivery of important and technically challenging projects in the foundation works. Some of their notable innovative projects include the use of the new hydraulic piling rings (Bauer BG series and DELMAG) that are used in the pile drilling and sonic pile integrated testing PET and chum technology.

The Mediterranean Group, (EA)

Company’s success

The company  boasts of major projects some of which have greatly impacted and improved our day to day lives .They include; the Kilidoni jetty project which entailed the construction of a new jetty bridge in Mafia Island, Tanzania from the mainland to the sea, Sasuma Dam project, Kenya entailed construction of secant wall piles for the dam, The headquarters of East Africa Community Building Project which saw the construction of 262 bored piles etc.

Despite the success and numerous achievements the company is marred by a host of challenges ranging from: lack of funding from the local government, agencies and main contractors eventually slowing the construction progress, technology adoption is low in most of the developing African countries resulting to a lot of challenges in both design and construction phases to project complexity as construction projects become  more demanding and complicated in design also posing  a challenge for the scarce workforce.

With these setbacks tackled head-on, the Mediterranean Group (EA) remains to be a home of innovative and high-quality specialized foundation solutions.