Trulstech company has developed through its associated company Biomimetic Technology Ltd a multi-award winning and extremely environmentally friendly “family” of non-toxic fire/flame retardants for application to various commercial products/materials.
The company’s brand name of the non-toxic fire/flame retardants is MHE®. Defined as “Molecular Heat Eater®” [MHE®] comprises complete outstanding family of cost-effective, non-toxic, eco-friendly and biodegradable fire/flame retardant products, developed on low carbon sustainability innovation technology.
MHE® is the prime safe alternative to the harmful chemical fire/flame retardants that are found in most consumer products made of polymer, plastic or fibre materials. Furthermore, the cost of MHE® products makes them very competitive. In particular MHE® products are market price competitive in metric tons (MT) in respect of the Chinese market for fire/flame retardant products.
Primarily, it is the toxic smoke released by fires that kills or causes harm by attacking the respiratory systems of humans. The heat is very painful and can cause severe human injuries for the rest of a victim’s life and the cost to society is enormous.
Most fire/flame retardants in use today contain many harmful chemicals that escape into (and migrate through) and pollute the environment. Upon combustion these harmful chemicals release toxic gases that can kill or cause severe respiratory injuries to humans. These chemicals will frequently have a negative impact on human genes which will affect future generations.
This is NOT the case with “Molecular Heat Eater®” which family of fire retardants only contains food grade chemicals (in approved quantities and concentrations) of a type found in daily foodstuffs, e.g., grapes, fruit and bread. The products are based on foodstuffs which have been consumed by humans for thousands of years without any negative impact on health or environment.
Today, fire/flame retardants are frequently applied on commercial products primarily aimed for the business markets in North America, Europe and Australia. Most of the commercial application products aimed for the business markets are manufactured in Asia-Pacific.
Mats Nilsson
Trulstech Group AB