Home » US based Genesis Water Technologies launches global initiative

US based Genesis Water Technologies launches global initiative

Home » US based Genesis Water Technologies launches global initiative

US based Genesis Water Technologies (GWT) has developed a comprehensive advanced Green Communities Program initiative integrating both a specialized renewable energy grid with their advanced water & waste water solutions for off-grid communities/municipalities and real estate development projects across the world.

The GWT green communities program initiative originated out of the necessity of several governmental agencies across the world requesting them to develop a sustainable infrastructure solution to provide basic services of drinking water, waste water, and power to coastal & inland communities where there was limited or no existing infrastructure available.

The program is continuing to evolve into a solution that has been well received by communities, governments, and private sector development partners in both developed and developing nations to address the areas of sustainability, water quality, and water scarcity, which are major challenges that they are faced with today and into the future.

The Green Communities Program initiative was initially developed based on coastal communities with populations of 8000 or more people. However, they are able to customize this program initiative to encompass communities/municipalities and developments of varying population sizes from 1000 to several hundred thousand.

Their GWT Green Communities Program initiative has been recently featured in several well respected publications across the Americas, Africa, Caribbean and Asia.

Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. is a USA based manufacturer of advanced, innovative and sustainable treatment solutions for applications in process water, drinking water, water reuse and waste water