Water pumps are nowadays popularly classified viz. Surface pumps and Submersible pumps. Submersible pumps can be a replacement for many surface pumps but the reverse is not possible. Surface pumps suffer a great deal of losses and as a result the overall efficiency is less compared to that with the submersible pumps. The latter’s overall efficiency is higher in the range of 40 to 55 %.

Submersible types operate in clear as well as saline waters. Depending upon which the material of construction depends. Pumps with AISI 304 material are mostly preferred for demanding conditions where corrosion resistance is an important factor. This is one of the costliest stainless steel to do the job. Furthermore, they are available in radial flow as well as mixed flow type impellers. The mixed flow types are installed where the discharge required is more.

There are some popular standards like BIS in India or NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) which is a universally accepted standard. NEMA standard specifies the dimensions of the connection flanges for the manufacturer for their motors and pumps to be universally accepted.

VIRA PUMPS is in light and heavy electrical engineering since 6 decades. They are in the manufacture of submersible pumps and motors since last 35 years. They offer pumps for 4”, 6” and 8” bore wells pertaining to NEMA standard. The company is ISO 9001 certified and its products come with CE marking. The company is a pioneer in producing submersible water pumps in single phase as well as three phase connections in both 50 Hz and 60 Hz. All the designs are compiled by leading international consultant Dr. Virajit A. Gundale, PhD and who is also the CEO of the company.

Emerging Technologies in the design and development of Submersible Water pumps

Reverse Engineering: This technique is used to replicate existing part into a 3D computer file instead of sketching and generating the part itself which is time consuming