Australia’s Thornton Rail Bridge Project Receives $15 Million

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Australia’s Thornton Rail Bridge has officially marked a significant milestone with a $15 million commitment investment from the NSW Government. As a result, initial works and planning for duplication of the rail bridge, are reported to kick off soon. Overall, the project strives to provide a reliable and safe road network to the East Maitland area.

An official statement from The state highlighted that it remains committed to delivering progress into Maitland. As a whole, the region is known as one of the fastest-growing cities in NSW. Predictions, observe there will be an increase of up to 7000 residents. Moreover, over the next 20 years, Maitland is also said to experience a boost in over 3,500 job opportunities.

For starters, the NSW Government noted that it will begin consultation with key stakeholders as well as community members. The discussions will include key issues such as tie-in points to the south and north of the bridge. In addition to utility and property impacts, and construction over an operational rail line.

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Australia’s Thornton Rail Bridge Projects Benefits To Maitland

Upon completion, Australia’s Thornton Rail Bridge will expand access to Thornton Road, of which offers a route, flood-free, for residents in case of natural disasters. Currently, the precinct is said to be heavily congested during peak periods. Thus, the project will also serve as a game-changer for essential workers who are constantly stuck in traffic.

While speaking about the project, the NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister explained that the duplication of the bridge is highly vital for the community. Jenny Aitchison further added that the bridge serves as one of the flood-free routes that connect the M1 to the northern parts of Maitland. Therefore, investment in projects that support connectivity across rural and regional NSW is of top priority.

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