The Government is working on a big plan for Lake Gwayi-Shangani, and this master plan is set to bring about some significant changes. Once it’s all done, it could mean new opportunities in farming, fishing, and tourism. A team of experts from the government is talking to the people who live nearby about all the things they want to do.
The main goal of this project Is to solve the water problems in Bulawayo, a city that’s been struggling with not having enough water. At the same time, they want to make sure that the people in the Matabeleland area get good things from the project. The government is saying that people should look out for chances to invest in these new plans.
There will be two new towns next to the lake, and they’re even thinking about building five-star hotels. If some people need to move because of the dam, the government says they won’t be worse off – in fact, they might be better off because of the new opportunities.
One cool thing they’re planning is a green belt along the pipeline. That means they’ll grow lots of food in that area, which will help make sure there’s enough food for everyone in the country.
Projected cost for the Gwayi-Shangani master plan
The 650 million cubic meter dam Is projected to cost approximately US$121,7 million for construction in total. The Gwayi-Shangani Dam is situated approximately 6 km downstream of the confluence of the Gwayi River and Shangani River.
At a meeting in Binga, experts talked about all the benefits the project could bring. They’ve even got a plan for irrigating about 10,000 hectares of land, which will cost around $100 million.
The project will also help create new jobs in the area. For example, the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry wants to build some fancy eco-themed hotels by the lake. They’re also talking about other projects like cultural villages and places for water activities.
The people who look after the national parks are thinking about how animals will move around once the project is finished. They’re also planning new parks that will help tourism in the area.
So, this big project is not just about water – it’s also about making new jobs, growing food, and helping tourism in the region. It’s a big plan with lots of parts, and it could make a big difference for the people who live there.
Read also Lake Gwayi-Shangani Dam in Zimbabwe