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Important Insights into the Horizonte Wind Project

Home » Energy » Important Insights into the Horizonte Wind Project

Approximately eight thousand hectares of land belonging to the government will accommodate the Horizonte wind project. It is located 80 kilometers east of Paposo, 130 kilometers northwest of Taltal, and 170 kilometers south of Antofagasta.

According to Colbun S.A., the concessionaire, the Horizonte Wind Farm project is 63% complete and moving forward as per the plan.

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The company also reported that, as of the end of the third quarter, 29 wind turbines had reached mechanical completion. In addition, while the foundations have been built and internal roads as well as turbine platforms are still being worked on, overall progress has been made. 93% for civil tasks and 78% for electrical tasks.

The Horizonte wind project’s main objective

However, the National Energy Commission‘s database suggests that the project is still in the construction phase. The project’s main objective is to interconnect with the system by January 2024.

After a public bidding process, the Ministry of National Assets awarded the property to Colbun for the purpose of generating electricity.

In the Horizonte Wind Farm project, 140 wind turbines with a maximum capacity of 7.0 MW each will be built in order to establish and operate an energy-generating plant that employs wind kinetic energy, with an estimated investment of up to US$850 million.

The park also accounts for an average yearly generation of 2,400 GWh. It is said to be same as the annual consumption of almost seven hundred thousand homes.

By having this park operational in the future, 1.2 million tons of CO2 emissions annually will be averted. This is equivalent to eliminating over three hundred thousand cars from the road.

Horizon’s energy will be fed into the National Electrical System through the planned Parinas substation. This substation will have two double-circuit transmission lines with a nominal voltage of 220 kV. These lines will have an approximate length of 7 km each.