Italy Provides Private Funds For Iraqs Mosul Dam Restoration

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Italy is sending private funding for the restoration of Iraq’s largest dam which was damaged due to years of conflict. The Mosul Dam about 50km from Mosul provides energy and water for various areas in northern Iraq. Since its completed construction in 1980, it has needed frequent maintenance including filling up cracks in the dam.

The dam was seized temporarily by ISIS in 2014 leading to a decline in the maintained quality of the dam. However, in 2016 funded by the World Bank an Italian company named Trevi carried out the repairs on the dam restoring it to heightened quality, the project was completed in 2019. This is not the first time Italy has contributed to Middle Eastern infrastructure programs, the nation appears to have a meaningful investment in the Middle East and North Africa.

Also Read: Italy confirms commitment to implementation of Libyan coastal road project

Italy Diplomat Reminds Public of Mosul Dam Funding Assistance.

Italy’s diplomat located in Iraq recently stated that the Italian government has been providing private funding for the repair of the Mosul Dam in Northern Iraq, he mentioned this to display the great cooperation and collaboration between Italy and Iraq, particularly concerning water resource management.  He specifically mentioned the Mosul Dam as a “great achievement” pioneered by the Trevi Italian Company, in restoring the dam’s quality, improving the lives of those who benefit from its services.

The Italian Agency for Development Co-operation has been assisting not only financially to the ministry of water resources but also have contributed skills training, advice and counsel on safety issues as well as assisting in technology.  The agency and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization have been collaborating with the ministry as it understood that the proper management of the dam and reservoir will have great significance in improving the lives of many Iraqis. This lead Italy diplomat (Mr Gregnati) to state that “Italy was proud to have contributed”.

This reminder highlights the long-lasting relationship between Iraq and Italy in bringing about safety, quality infrastructure, and efficient supplies of water and energy which enriches and improves the lives of hundreds in the related region.


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