Home » Transport » Roads » The truck marshaling yard in Miritini, Mombasa, in final stages of construction

The truck marshaling yard in Miritini, Mombasa, in final stages of construction

Home » Transport » Roads » The truck marshaling yard in Miritini, Mombasa, in final stages of construction

The truck marshaling yard at Miritini which is expected to be a game-changer, is currently in its final stages of construction in Mombasa County, Kenya.

It is said that the facility will guarantee timely arrivals as well as dispatch of trucks to the port area, and those traveling to other destinations. Congestion will also be significantly reduced by the yard that is being constructed on a 100-acre piece of land located approximately 20 kilometers from the Port of Mombasa.

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Heavy goods vehicles (HGV) have substantially boosted the volume of traffic entering the port of Mombasa. The truck marshaling yard in Miritini carried out through a public-private partnership, will thus help address the truck traffic snarl-ups. The latter is said to have been a nightmare for both the county and the national government.

Mohammed Hussein Mohammed claimed that the yard had significantly helped Mombasa locals generate jobs. He is the country’s minister of lands, urban renewal, and housing. The county government aims to swiftly address the challenges brought on by trucks being parked recklessly in close proximity to the port and the Mombasa mainland. As a result, this leads to traffic congestion and accidents on busy roads.

He said that the county government will generate revenue from the parking services. According to him, the projected truck marshaling yard and its auxiliary facilities will ensure an orderly flow of traffic to and from the port.

What the truck marshaling yard in Miritini would include

The project will include ancillary facilities such as a weighbridge, banks, county control checkpoints, residences, and restaurants. It will also have repair shops, security service trailer and truck parking, fuel stations, and a recreational park, per Yard’s plan.

According to Mr. Mohammed, all trucks carrying cargo will be required to check-in. They will also need to wait for their turn to be called for loading at the designated truck marshaling yard. The yard will also function as a parking lot and a freight yard. This makes it possible for all trucks waiting to be loaded to park in one huge, central location. That would ensure order, safety, and timely entry and departure from the port.