Expressions of interest (EOI) to lease land and set up operations at the proposed KenGen Green Energy Park in Olkaria, Naivasha, have been invited. Advertised by the Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) the EOI targets Sub developers and individual manufacturing/processing firms.
Interested parties have until 31st May 2023 to submit their EOI. Pre-qualified firms will be invited to submit their Technical and Financial proposals under the Request for Proposals (RFP). For more information on the EOI notice follow
KenGen Green Energy Park in Olkaria
Sitting on approximately 845 acres of land at the Olkaria geothermal hub, the park is set to be developed in four phases between 2025 to 2045.
Upon completion, it will accommodate both industrial and non-industrial activities. These include offices, data centers, and research & development centers. In addition, the KenGen Green Energy Park will cater to hospitality and visitor experience centers, and administrative & commercial uses.
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Moreover, it will include light industries such as warehousing, logistics, and support industries, as well as medium and heavy industries. The latter include manufacturers of fertilizers, iron and steel, plastics and materials. packaging, and metal products.
Furthermore, the site is expected to host steam-intensive industries such as pulp and paper, timber, textile, food, and leather industries.
Key offerings
The KenGen Green Energy Park will be served by both railway and road infrastructures. The latter will reportedly be connected to major seaports and airports supported with the necessary logistical installations.
The park offers more than just its location which enjoys good connectivity and logistics infrastructure, as well close proximity to residential centres or urban settlements. It brings to the table cheap power tariffs and the supply of clean, renewable, and stable geothermal energy.
The park also has geothermal steam, brine, and hot water as well as natural resources such as steam for use in agribusiness and textiles industries. Noteworthy, Olkaria steam can be used directly by a range of industrial tenants.