Homa Bay Airport/Kabunde Airstrip in Homa Bay, Kenya

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Approximately 58 families affected by the proposed expansion of Kabunde Airstrip in Homa Bay have been compensated to pave way for the start of the project.

This breath of life for the project which has been delayed since 2019. The delay was mainly due to a disagreement between Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), which had agreed to pay off the families living around the airstrip after they handed over about 115 title deeds, and the community.

The community complained that the money set aside for their compensation was too little to afford them land elsewhere in Homabay where the population and demand for land were increasing significantly.

Remaining families to be paid after their succession cases are settled

According to the airstrip manager Wycliffe Kadoya, the remaining families will be paid after issues that are in court about succession are concluded.

Also Read: Ghana to start construction of Phase II of Tamale Airport

“Land succession issues have delayed the expansion of the Kabunde Airstrip. However, I’m happy they are being addressed in court. We will compensate the remaining families once the matter is settled,” explained Kadoya.

The national government through KAA has already set aside at least Sh170 million for the Kabunde Airstrip upgrade.

Reported earlier

Aug 2019

KAA to extend the runway at Homa Bay airport

The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) is set to lengthen the existing runway at Homa Bay Airport also known as Kabunde Airstrip from the current 1.2km to 1.7km to accommodate larger aircraft.

This comes four years after the Authority carried out similar work as part of the airport modernization at a cost of US $1.9m. The runway was extended from 790 m to 1.2 km and an apron was constructed. In addition, fencing around the airport was reinforced and the road between Homa Bay and Rongo, which is used to access the airport, was tarmacked.

Acquisition of land

KAA is set to present a new list of parcels of land to be acquired for the upgrade of the airport to the National Land Commission (NLC), categorized as either whole or partial acquisition, for valuation.

This will be the third land valuation exercise the NLC is undertaking for the upgrade of the airstrip. The first valuation indicated that the cost of compulsory land acquisition would be US $410,376 while the second valuation indicated the cost would be US $1.03m, a 60.1% increase.

Other documents to be submitted

In addition to the list of the parcels of land to be acquired, according to Transport Secretary James Macharia, KAA is also required to provide the registry map indicating the current acreage of the airstrip together with the area to be acquired.

The Authority began the process of acquiring approximately 141 acres of land in Kabunde about seven years ago. The process has however not concluded following disputes on figures arrived at after valuation and delays in the succession process for issuance of Grant of Letters of Administration for affected landowners.

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