Offshore Wind Expansion Collaboration in Northern Europe

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The two companies Total Energies and European Energy are now planning to expand further on the offshore wind expansion collaboration. This partnership will see them develop other offshore wind generation projects located across Northern Europe. The companies have been able to make use of different competencies so as to promote growth in wind capacity offshore. Achieved by using synergies from a joint venture that focused on land-based renewables resources

It is specifically related to developing new projects in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. A well-combined mix of large project experience offered by Total Energies combined with European Energy’s greenfield development and Nordic stakeholder engagement potential. The partners are in a unique position to boost offshore wind farm implementation regionally. 

Cutting-Edge Turbines and Foundations for Offshore Wind Expansion Success

The new deal comprises of Total Energies getting an 85% equity stake in the offshore wind expansion project. It is named Jammerland Bugt with a capacity of 240 MW. Furthermore, another offshore wind expansion project located also in Denmark; Little belt South near-coastal facility that has the installed name screen rating of about 165MW. The Jammerland Bugt project will be located more than 7 km off the coast of Jammerbugten and Little belt South, an area in a shallow part of the strait between Fyn Island, Jutland.

The Danish Energy Agency in December 2023 confirmed both sites among nine “open-door projects”. Thus, providing exclusivity and grid connection licenses. The final construction permits for commencement by 2030 are anticipated in mid-2024. The projects will use advanced turbines and foundations suited to their sites, in order for them to be efficient.

When in full production, the 405 MW joint capacity will produce enough clean energy for approximately 425. This will play an important role in achieving Denmark’s ambitious target. A target of installing 6 GW capacity for new offshore wind power by the year 2030.

The electricity produced will either be sold directly on the wholesale market or through corporate PPAs. This ensures companies can reduce their carbon footprints by acquiring new renewable energy.

Total Energies and European Energy Collaborative Approach for Offshore Wind Expansion

The partners also plan to establish a joint venture in Sweden and Finland for developing and operating new major offshore wind expansion projects. They will also participate as a team in forthcoming Danish offshore wind expansion tenders.

This joint venture brings together Total Energies’ expertise in large scale projects and ability to market offtake in merchant markets. Additionally, European Energy’s capabilities of developing greenfield projects coupled with stakeholder engagement within the Nordic region.

According to Vincent Stoquart, “We are excited to continue our partnership with European Energy.” He was the Senior Vice President of Renewables at Total Energies. Their approach to build competitive renewable projects in merchant countries leaves these new offshore wind projects from Denmark. This enables Total Energies to lever European Energy’s legacy Nordic presence to strengthen our sustainable business in the region.

Knud Erik Andersen was the European Energy’s Group CEO. He added, “This collaboration will enhance the pace of Northern Europe’s renewable transition. By utilizing combined competence in greenfield development and large-scale operations. Therefore, enabling us to develop world class offshore wind farms. We are very proud that we can contribute our Nordic energy market knowledge banking on this new bold venture. This not only reinforces our position in the renewable energy sector but demonstrates a commitment to sustainable development and energy autonomy throughout Europe.”

The agreement is pending regulatory approvals. Both firms are well-positioned to combine complementary strengths in expanding the offshore wind capacity while advancing renewable energy transition across Northern Europe.


Europe currently is the leader globally, having installed 73 GW of offshore wind capacity by the end of 2022. Nevertheless, countries in Northern Europe such as Denmark, Sweden and Finland have considerable possibilities. Thus to further develop this source of renewable energy. This new deal shows Total Energies and European Energy’s willingness to support some of the Nordic region offshore wind expansion ambitions.

European Energy’s stakeholder engagement for greenfield projects throughout Denmark, Sweden and Finland with Total Energies’ proven large-scale engineering skills. This allows the partners to unlock even extremely complicated sites suitable for offshore wind expansion development. They capitalize on complementary strengths via joint ventures and project consortiums. Total Energies and European Energy will speed up the Nordic offshore wind expansion pipeline. Thus, it can make a significant contribution to Europe’s growing renewable energy mix.

The cooperation is timely as the region positions themselves. Not only leaders on sustainability but also renewable strategic export hubs at center of Europe’s energy revolution. Neighboring countries in the continent are building up the clean energy needs that are growing side by side with tightening de-carbonization objectives. Total Energies and European Energy’s productive partnership will enable northern European offshore wind expansion to drive forward.

offshore wind expansion

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