Cape Town International Airport upgrade project underway

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Preparations are underway for refurbishments at Cape Town International Airport. Airports Company SA (Acsa) and City of Cape Town (CoCT) signed a memorandum of agreement called the Symphony Way Development Corridor.

Reportedly, this agreement aims to develop the land on the eastern and western sides of Symphony Way, including the Symphony Way Urban Park. Additionally, the airport’s expansion will involve the construction of new realigned runway, refurbishment of the domestic arrivals terminal. Moreover, the expansion of the international terminal is on cards.

As part of this development, the CoCT has reportedly committed to relocating three informal communities – Freedom Farm, Malawi Camp and Blikkiesdorp. Importantly, the communities will be relocated to formal housing, in alignment with the City’s human settlements directorate’s vision.

“The relocation of these informal settlements is also essential for the future development of the airport because the current informal settlements are currently on land, which is required for the construction of the new realigned runway and a future second runway at Cape Town International Airport,” Acsa said.

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Cape Town International Airport Project timeline

Acsa is currently in consultation with the industry and regulating committee and will provide more detail on the project timelines. This is expected to be achieved in the next three months.

“Due to the confidentiality of this process, no further information may be provided at this stage,” acsa added.

Acsa reportedly confirmed that 3200 state-subsidized Breaking New Ground (BNG) units are planned for construction on Symphony Way Development Corridor.

Refurbishment plans were stalled due to reduction in air traffic movements and passenger volumes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with an expected recovery to pre-pandemic passenger volumes in 2026, Acsa has now reevaluated its capital investment programme. Additionally, acsa has recommenced some of the suspended expansion projects.

Importantly, Acsa assures that job creation will be a major focus during the airport’s refurbishment. Additionally, the company acknowledges its social responsibility in promoting skills development, socio-economic growth and job opportunities through infrastructure projects.

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