Contracts signed for Mnivata-Newala to Masasi Road Project in Mtwara, Tanzania

Home » News » Contracts signed for Mnivata-Newala to Masasi Road Project in Mtwara, Tanzania

The Tanzania government signed contracts for the construction of 160 kilometres of tarmac road from Mnivata- Newala to Masasi in the Mtwara Region. The project is anticipated to cost 234.5bn/-.

The deal was inked between Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) and two Chinese companies. The two Chinese companies are China Wu Yi Co and China Communications Construction Company Limited. Funds for the projects would be provided by African Development Bank (AfDB) including the construction of the Mwiti Bridge in the region.

The Mnivata-Newala to Masasi Road, according to the minister, will help link Mtwara with Ruvuma, Lindi and Coast Regions. Additionally, the road will be the main link between Tanzania and Mozambique through the Mtwara corridor. The government is prioritizing constructing the road to facilitate the movement of people and various goods. These goods include coal, cement and food crops.

Also Read: Tanzania Government Signs for 7 Road Constructions Projects Valued at 3.8trillion

Significance of the Mnivata-Newala to Masasi Road Project in Mtwara

Minister for Works and Transport Prof Makame Mbarawa said the tarmac road project is meant to provide better access to services for people. The minister announced while attending the signing ceremony.

He further insisted the road will ease the transport and transportation of raw materials for the manufacturing of goods. Particularly, this project targets those people who reside in the villages.

Currently, the country’s network of tarmac roads stands at 11,387.82km, meaning 160 kilometres of tarmac road, will expand the road coverage. Prof Mbarawa said other projects will be realized under an arrangement of Engineering Construction and Financing (EPC+C).

“In the coming financial year, the government will also commence the implementation for construction of 205 km of Expressway from Kibaha in the Coast Region to Morogoro Region under Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement,” he said.

He expressed the need for TANROADS to strictly monitor and oversee the construction process and ensure value for money is observed.

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