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First tracks laid on Morley-Ellenbrook METRONET Line in Australia

Home » Transport » Rail » First tracks laid on Morley-Ellenbrook METRONET Line in Australia

The first tracks have been laid on the Morley-Ellenbrook METRONET Line in Australia. Since the Mandurah line’s opening in 2007, the project serves as the biggest expansion of the city’s rail network. Furthermore, it is the longest METRONET project.

The $1.1 billion, game-changing project is under joint funding by the Federal and State Governments. Its first section of rail will involve the installation of about 1.5 kilometers of sleepers and ballast. Right from north of Whiteman Park Station down through to the Gnangara Underpass and also, along Drumpellier Drive.

For the undertaking of the feat, specialized equipment will be used. This will include a ballast box spreader, which positions the ballast. Moreover, it will also include an excavator with an ‘octopus attachment to position the sleepers.

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Morley-Ellenbrook METRONET Line in Australia 

While commenting on the project, the Western Australia Premier said that to date, it is the biggest milestone on a project. More especially, one that will transform the northeastern suburbs. Moreover, Mark McGowan also revealed that works are underway from Ellenbrook through to Bayswater and Morley. The project also features brand-new stations at Malaga and Noranda.

As a result, it will slash travel times, build strong communities as well as improve safety. In fact, by 2031, it strives to reach up to 18,000 people boarding on a daily basis. Additionally, it will create thousands of local opportunities as well as jobs for local businesses. At an estimate, the project will support more than 6,500 jobs, in addition to helping shape vibrant communities.

Upon completion and operation, the project will potentially contribute towards a 50% decrease in public transport times, between Perth and Ellenbrook. As a result, the journey to the city will take not more than 30 minutes. The Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Perth also spoke about the project. Patrick Gorman said that the city-shaping project will add great economic significance to and from the region.