Teesside International Airport is embarking on a groundbreaking solar power project set to revolutionize the region’s energy landscape. A momentous partnership has been forged between the airport and energy giant SSE Energy Solutions, culminating in the establishment of a solar farm on airport premises. This ambitious venture is poised to generate a staggering 3MW of solar energy in its inaugural phase, effectively catering to the energy needs of the airport and the local community.
This Teesside International Airport solar power project marks a pivotal step toward transforming the Airport into a model of sustainability. The prospect of further expansion looms large, with the potential to amass an impressive 50MW of capacity in subsequent phases. If realized, this expansion could herald one of the most substantial solar projects in the UK, mitigating over 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from the national electricity grid annually.
SSE Energy Solutions, a renowned FTSE 100 enterprise, has not only committed to supporting this monumental solar endeavor but has also secured a lease to establish a base within Teesside Airport. This collaboration is poised to facilitate the growth of the local economy, fostering the creation of well-paying, highly skilled jobs, and injecting substantial investment into the region.
Construction start dates set for Teesside International Airport solar power project
Scheduled for construction early next year, Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen has expressed his enthusiasm, confidently asserting that this agreement has the potential to propel the airport toward achieving the distinction of becoming the first carbon-neutral airport in the UK. He underscored the region’s capacity to attract prominent companies, emphasizing the dual benefits of innovation and sustainability that such collaborations bring to the local community.
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Neil Kirkby, Managing Director at SSE Energy Solutions, lauded the Teesside International Airport solar power project’s alignment with their vision of enabling local authorities to transition toward a net-zero carbon future while concurrently offering valuable opportunities to the local workforce.
Additionally, This venture is a significant stride toward Teesside Airport’s overarching objective, announced in 2022. The goal is to achieve net-zero operations by the end of the decade. This multifaceted approach encompasses the decarbonization of infrastructure, sustainable aviation fuel production, and, now, a pioneering solar project. Together, these initiatives chart a course toward a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for Teesside International Airport.