Magufuli Bridge Project Currently Under Construction in Tanzania

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The executive secretary of the Transport Development Authority from Tanzania (TANROADS) disclosed that the construction of Magufuli Bridge Project (3,200 m) that will be the crucial link between Mwanza Region and the neighbouring countries of Rwanda, Burundi, and Uganda has almost reached the middle.


“Besides, construction of this new bridge will be able to meet the expected traffic demands along the route as well as improving the safety for users at the lake crossing point.” The main aim of this project is to construct a high standard bridge and roads that will cater for present and future high demands along the route and which will also improve the road safety of the users crossing the lake as well.

Raymond further explains that, “The bridge work consists of a Dos bridge (520m) with a total length of 3.00 km (including the approach section) which will go over the outside of Lake Victoria.” He added: “The road construction is composed of widening 1.66 km of the present road to two lanes to four road lanes and development of 1.16 km on the Kigongo side and 0.5 km at the Busisi side which tie in from the existing surfaced road to the Bridge.


He insisted: Mr Kavulubayi appreciates that the 8.8 kilometers long and 25 meters wide steel bridge will allow 1,600 vehicles to pass at the same time in the span of just one minute and will result in the Mwanza becoming a major commercial hub in the Lake Zone. He also notes that so far the contractor implementing the project has been paid Sh223 billion. Moreover, he On the other hand, Mr. Eshelman stated that, so far, the project has provided a total of 776 jobs, 720 of which, which are equivalent to 92.8 percent, were given to Tanzanians and 56 equivalent to 7.2 percent to welcome foreign workers.

“Most of the road goes over the river as part of the project is 3 km long embankment bridge comprising a main bridge and two access bridges.”

It is the one which straddles the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, thus the bridge over the tributary is the perfect representation of the surroundings with the three (3) pylons serving as the extra dose of aesthetic beauty and meaning. Also, I conceptualized approach bridges that are PSC beam bridges with 40 m span length in connection with the economics behind other projects. On the other hand, the case of temporary bridge had covered permanently by “completing the total construction,” the expert stated. He mentioned that along these lines, the construction of will be instrumental since the Bridge will be able to accommodate vehicles throughout the season therefore improving surface ambient air quality, reducing traffic to the ferry through diversion and reduction of travel time and providing a platform for training on public transport.

Completion date

Minister on top of that added that the bridge is financed by Government of Tanzania kick-off on 25th February 2020 and should be completed in four years from that time to be by 2024. As the term of the project is for the designed and execution with the China Civil Engineering Construction Group (CCECG) that is in partnership with the China Railway, the Government of Tanzania will finance it completely, the same was stated by him.

Manager of TANRODS confessed, “This project has two more aspects; first is the operation of the local engineers having the chance to participate in practical activities at the site. I am happy to inform you that by now we have a total of 12 local engineers who are undergoing the training.” Nevertheless, he acknowledged only three engineers popped up out of 13 from TANROADS and others are from the Professional bodies such as ERB. Achard also mentioned international companies such as C-Labs (T), Grinda Builders and Supplies Ltd, Hamis A. Kazika Co. Ltd, C&C Engineering and Planners Ltd as well as Pro Consults (T) Ltd, that have been contracted to the project.

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