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Namibia’s Largest Solar Plant: The Rosh Pinah Solar PV Power Plant

Home » Energy » Namibia’s Largest Solar Plant: The Rosh Pinah Solar PV Power Plant

NamPower, on Monday did signing on the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract with a Chinese joint venture for the development of Namibia’s Largest Solar Plant project, the 100MW Rosh Pinah Solar PV Power Plant.

The contract that was signed was signed with the Chinese joint venture between China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd. and China New Energy Development (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., is valued at more than 1.4 billion Namibian dollars (about 78 million U.S. dollars).

Significance of the Project

This mega solar project will support Namibia’s efforts to enhance its renewable energy infrastructure and is expected to greatly contribute to the country’s general electricity supply security and also its sustainability goals.

“The Rosh Pinah 100 MW PV Project is of great national importance and will greatly help the government accomplish its goals of ensuring electricity supply security and self-sufficiency as outlined in the national planning policies such as the fifth National Development Plan and the National Integrated Resource Plan,” he stated.

Additionally, the project will also assist in both addressing and supporting the renewable energy commitments prescribed in the Renewable Energy Policy and National Energy Policy, he said, adding that the PV plant will also play a pivotal role in transitioning towards low carbon and environmentally sustainable energy system.

Namibia’s Largest Solar Plant Project Cost

The total estimated project cost is 1.6 billion Namibian dollars. “The investment into the Rosh Pinah 100MW PV project will contribute to managing and regulating future increases in electricity tariffs. This will not only benefit individual consumers by lowering increases to their electricity bills but also contribute to the overall economic growth and environmental sustainability,” he said.

Moreover, Rosh Pinah Solar PV Power Plant construction is expected to take approximately 18 months, with the plant set to commence operations in the second quarter of 2026.

South Africa’s Largest Solar Plant

Independent Power Producer, SolarAfrica Energy, officially broke ground on its first utility-scale solar farm based in the Northern Cape. Known as SunCentral, Phase 1 of this project will total approximately 342MW in generation capacity, with Phases 2 and 3 bringing the overall size to an impressive 1 GW therfore making it one of the largest projects of its kind in South Africa.

“A project of this kind of magnitude wouldn’t have been possible without the power of partnerships. Over the past 10 years, Eskom has found new and tangible ways of making wheeling a reality in South Africa. Their dedication to partnering with the private sector is proof of their commitment to address South Africa’s power generation struggles,” McDonald said.

Lastly, located between Hanover and De Aar, SunCentral brings with it several corporate social responsibility projects that will be implemented in collaboration with local members and leaders for the betterment of the surrounding communities.

Project Fact Sheet

Project Name: Rosh Pinah Solar Project

Location: Rosh Pinah

Capacity: 100MW

Developer/Contractor: China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation, China New Energy Development (Zheijang) Co.

Completion Date: 2026

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