Home » DPI FlowCalc app is now available for free download

DPI FlowCalc app is now available for free download

Home » DPI FlowCalc app is now available for free download

Leading PVC and HDPE water reticulation and drainage pipe and fitting system manufacturer- DPI Plastics has announced that its smartphone ‘DPI FlowCalc’ app is now available for free download from the Google Play and Apple App stores.

This represents a first for the South African industry, DPI Plastics Technical and Product Manager Renier Snyman highlights. The app includes a calculator that can determine friction loss. Apart from that, it can also determine flow resistance, pipe size, and water delivery for pipelines under pressure.

“Results can be emailed directly to the end user via their smartphone. In addition, the user is able to email our technical department directly from the app itself in the event of any further queries,” Snyman explains.

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The DPI Plastics website at www.dpiplastics.co.za also features ‘hot’ buttons linking to the DPI FlowCalc app. This means users now have the added convenience of not having to search for the app but can simply click on the above link.

DPI FlowCalc app

The development of the DPI FlowCalc app reflects the growing importance of digital platforms such as smartphones versus the traditional way of conducting business, DPI Plastics Marketing Manager Martine Goodchild comments.

“Africa, for example, has a very high smartphone penetration rate with a significant youth bulge, with 70% of the population under 25. When our website became mobi-responsive in November 2015, the number of new visitors quadrupled, testament to how business is being conducted more and more via smartphone,” Goodchild stresses.

The new app will make it easier for customers to obtain critical information on their pipeline requirements and specifications. This will eventually enhance the DPI Plastics’ product and service offering to the water infrastructure sector.

About DPI Plastics

DPI Plastics is a leading manufacturer of PVC and HDPE water reticulation and drainage pipe and fitting systems. With two ISO 9001 certified South African factories, one in Johannesburg and the other in Cape Town.

In addition, the DPI Group has wholly-owned subsidiary plants in Namibia and Botswana and joint venture manufacturing operations in Mauritius, Tanzania and Angola, producing plastic pipes to the relevant SABS or international specifications.