Home » Moldtech supplies equipment for the construction of the new terminal at Rabat Airport, in Morocco

Moldtech supplies equipment for the construction of the new terminal at Rabat Airport, in Morocco

Home » Moldtech supplies equipment for the construction of the new terminal at Rabat Airport, in Morocco

In the year 2020 Moldtech signed an agreement with the Menasteel company, located in the industrial zone of Bouznika, Morocco. The objective was the production and installation of equipment that will allow the client to produce all the precast elements for the construction of the new Rabat airport terminal.

The supplied equipment has been installed on the Rabat Airport site, with the aim of centralizing production in this large project, and once the work has been completed, transfer all the equipment to the new industrial plant that Menasteel will install in Casablanca.

Moldtech has supplied a 100 m long self-supporting TT slab mould; 80-meter-long universal prestressing system, including 600 tons anchorages, to produce L, T, and rectangular beams; a simple column mold with corbels and a tilting table. All this equipment will allow Menasteel to produce the precast concrete elements for the construction of the parking buildings and the new terminal.

This project has been developed during a pandemic, but with a close collaboration between Moldtech and Menasteel, which has allowed us to move forward with the equipment installation work and carry out the commissioning in record time.

Menasteel is a company that has been able to take advantage of the benefits and the great competitiveness offered by precast concrete systems compared to metal structures, something that can be seen in Morocco and in many other countries with a growing demand for precast equipment.

Once the work on the new Rabat Airport terminal has been completed, the Menasteel company will focus its production on the construction of industrial buildings, logistics centers, car parks, shopping centers and special large buildings.