Home » Solarising Hand Pumps: Solutions from Davis & Shirtliff

Solarising Hand Pumps: Solutions from Davis & Shirtliff

Home » Solarising Hand Pumps: Solutions from Davis & Shirtliff

The traditional hand pump is perhaps one of the oldest technologies for water
pumping still in use with the principles of its reciprocal design dating back centuries.
Given the absence of suitable alternatives, these pumps have very wide applications
throughout Africa and are ubiquitous with small scale supplies usually where electric
mains power is unavailable. They are the only source of water for thousands of
people despite the drawbacks of being hard to operate, especially from deeper
boreholes, low output and frequent maintenance.

Until recently, the only viable alternative has been engine-driven – either powering a
generator or a pump directly. These installations are expensive to purchase, run and
maintain and are not viable for poorer rural requirements. However, with the
extraordinary development of solar technology over the past decade in terms of both
cost reduction and technology, a much better alternative is now available – solar
powered pumping systems.

Davis & Shirtliff have been pioneers in this now well-established solution since its
early and expensive beginnings in the early 1980s and are now the leading industry
player with a range of solutions for all solar pumping requirements. Using the
benefits of this experience and appreciating the great limitations of hand pumps, the
company has now developed an ideal alternative in the Dayliff range of solar pumps
and accessories.

At the heart of the systems is the wide range of the economical and efficient Dayliff
Sunflo solar pumps that are supplied in complete kits that include the PV modules,
pump and all accessories for a complete installation, with power requirement being
as low as 150W. The standard range provides outputs from 1 to 12 m3 per day at
heads up to 70 metres with other options being available. However, for the majority
of hand pump installations, lower heads are more common.

Also required in a solar pumping installation is a tank and small tower for continuous
24-hour water availability that provides the option of direct supply to points of use.
Dayliff has also designed a special tank and tower solution with capacities up to
3000 litres that are very cost-effective, light and easy to install with the option of the
PV modules mounted on the tower for smaller installations. The benefits of this new
solution are huge with capital costs of the pumps being lower than traditional hand pumps and providing totally cost- and maintenance-free operation – systems simply start with the sun and pump all day!

These Dayliff water supply solutions are certainly game changing in so many ways
and will totally transform lives providing much greater reliable water availability for
rural communities. No doubt this will become hugely popular in the future.

For more information, visit https://www.davisandshirtliff.com/