The American Road PatchTM: New Patch for Repairing Potholes

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Roads damaged by winter weather cause billions in damage every year, and their repairs are often very expensive for investors. SAINT-GOBAIN ADFORS CZ manufactures special glass-fibre meshes for reinforcing asphalt layers of roads, tram tracks, car parks and airport areas. These are unique geogrids that absorb stress, disperse it horizontally, and thus slow down the formation of reflective cracks, which significantly prolongs the life of roads and reduces the cost of future repairs and maintenance. The placement is carried out manually or mechanically and the installation is quick and easy. Once used, the mesh is recyclable.

In recent years, we have seen a rise in the use of quick local repairs. These are carried out by sealing potholes with hot or cold mix asphalt. These repair methods are short-lived and the mixture does not remain in the potholes for long. The main problem is the penetration of water, which results in accelerated ageing of the material. Repairs must be performed in shorter time cycles. Now SAINT-GOBAIN ADFORS CZ offers solutions to extend the life of these local surface repairs. With a simple “peel and stick” application, this product has been specially developed for quick and effective surface repairs that prevent water from penetrating. Extending the service life of pothole repairs significantly reduces the risk of car damage and contributes to greater road safety.

Solution for local surface repairs – the American Road PatchTM

The American Road PatchTM is a patented product made in America and SAINT-GOBAIN ADFORS is its exclusive distributor.

At first glance, the repair patches look like asphalt sheets for roof repairs. However, their composition varies. American Road PatchTM consists of a high-strength reinforced load-bearing liner coated on both sides with a layer of modified asphalt, where the upper layer of asphalt is covered with fine-grained aggregates. Its surface corresponds to the structure of common asphalt pavements and ensures sufficient anti-skid and anti-slip resistance. Its application to the repaired asphalt surface creates a water-impermeable patch and thus prolongs the service life of the repair. Other advantages include easy application without the use of special machines and equipment, resistance to plough damage during winter maintenance and the possibility of carrying out the repair without closing the road. The American Road PatchTM is also very easy to mill.

The patch can be used for various applications on both asphalt and concrete surfaces not only for repairing potholes but also for sealing cracks or expansion joints, for repairs around manhole covers, irregular bridge joints or as a cover for unused road marking.

During the application of American Road PatchTM, the instructions for proper installation must be followed to ensure sufficient adhesion to the surface. The surface must be dry, free of dust, grease, dirt residues and chipped and broken asphalt material from the pothole. It is important to fill the surrounding cracks so that water does not pass through them under the patch. Laying the patch must not be done in the rain, snow or frosty weather.

Local surface repair of potholes using an asphalt mixture and the American Road PatchTM

If the patch is applied in cold weather, the asphalt surface needs to be heated with a propane burner to increase the efficiency of adhesion of the bottom layer of the patch to the surface. The patch is supplied in 1m x 6.4m rolls and can be cut very easily with a utility knife. Before installation, the foil protecting the lower asphalt layer is peeled off from the patch, the patch is placed on the spot to be repaired and simply glued to the surface using a plate compactor or a roller. Road traffic may continue immediately after the installation. This ensures additional pressure and pushing of the patch into the road surface.

The service life of the repair using the American Road PatchTM depends mainly on the quality of how its laid, as well as the traffic load. From many years of practical experience, we can confirm that under ideal conditions, the patch will last up to 6 years. The only recorded faults are related to an incorrect application, i.e. application on wet or dirty surfaces, insufficient heating of the surface at low outdoor temperatures and installation on a non-compacted surface. This product is very easy to apply at higher temperatures. In cold conditions, it is necessary to heat the repaired surface with a propane burner, but it is still a product with simple installation and long-term efficiency.



3 thoughts on “The American Road PatchTM: New Patch for Repairing Potholes”

  1. Would this patch repair work in environments where the ambient temperature can be in the range of 110°F? Are the coefficients of thermal expansion of the repair patch compatible with that of the road surface to which they’re being applied?

  2. It is excellent. And very cool .. yes we are an exclusive agent of ADFORS CZ in Libya. And now the American Road Patch product has been approved as part of the job specification for the maintenance of roads and bridges in the Road Administration in Libya

  3. Great product, saves from further infrastructure degradation, mitigates staff having to return to make secondary repairs. With that said it reduces staff exposure and allows other opportunity repairs.

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