Home » 4th Africa Road Infrastructure & Investment Congress 2019

4th Africa Road Infrastructure & Investment Congress 2019

Home » 4th Africa Road Infrastructure & Investment Congress 2019

The 4th Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Congress 2019 (#ARIIC 2019) is the continent’s most prominent event which brings together the key financiers, investors, multilateral investment institutions,Government ministries, regulators, public and private sector stakeholders to discuss how these various elements fit together and how to successfully fund and execute infrastructure projects on time and within budget.

Taking place in Nairobi, Kenya from 10-11 September 2019, the Congress this year will explore the theme “Boosting Investment in Road Infrastructure”.

The Congress will analyse new public-private partnership projects (PPPs), new infrastructure projects that promote regional integration and competitiveness of countries, new technologies and financing challenges in the road and highway industry across Sub-Saharan Africa.

The event will feature 30+ senior key opinion leaders from the full spectrum of players in the value chain from investors, banking institutions, Government officials, road agencies, construction companies, engineering firms, producers, refineries and all those that supply into them. They will share their experiences, via keynote addresses, panel discussion and case study presentations. We challenge you to participate in the discussion with Q&A sessions being held after each of our sessions!

In addition to the implications of road development and investment, we will be exploring new and cutting edge technology that is increasing the performance of road applications, where recycled materials are being used to great effect and how micro surfacing and crumbed rubber technology is making it easier for roads agencies to maximise existing funds to achieve more.

  • Boosting investment in road infrastructure 

It has been estimated that US $78 billion is required by countries in the East African Community to finance mega infrastructure projects.

This includes the construction of two major transnational roads funded by the African Development Bank – the US $322 million Rumonge-Gitaz and Kabingo-Kasulu-Manyovu road-upgrading project and the Malindi-Mombasa-Lunga Lunga/Horohoro-Tanga-Bagamoyo highway (Kenya to Tanzania). This 460km highway is budgeted to cost $751.3 million, with 70% borrowed from the AfDB, and each country funding 30% of the work in its territory.

The governments of various East African countries have continued to prioritise infrastructure development into 2019 in recognition of the role that infrastructure plays as a cornerstone of economic development and prosperity.

It is anticipated that Uganda will select a company to build a new major road between Kampala, and Jinja by the end of year. The 95km road, believed to cost in the region of $1 billion, will by partly funded by the Ugandan government and partly by the contractor.

Across Africa, figures in excess of US $226 billion are being spent on infrastructure development. This includes $153 million on the development of 210kms of road and $751 million for the development of the Kenya-Tanzania Highway. Yet it is not enough!

Figures in excess of US $100 billion have been given as the kinds of figures needed ANNUALLY across power, water, roads and other forms of transport. At most, current investments equal $30 billion across the continent. Where is the balance of this investment going to come from?

Join us as we explore how, where and why private sector investment needs to be encouraged and increased, when this is likely to be happening and why private investment is not at the levels it should be. Contact Peter Colemen on +44 (0) 208 123 9920 or on email [email protected]