Home » The West Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Forum 2020

The West Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Forum 2020

Home » The West Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Forum 2020

The West Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Forum 2020 (#WARIIF20) supported by The Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA) and the Federal Ministry of Transportation, Nigeria is set to be the most prominent road infrastructure event in West Africa.

The forum will take place in Lagos, Nigeria from 26-27 May 2020 and will bring together the key financiers, investors, multilateral investment institutions, government ministries, regulators, public and private sector stakeholders to discuss how road development, investment and technology fit together and how to successfully fund and execute infrastructure projects on time and within budget.

The forum will analyse new public-private partnership (PPP) regulation and policy in Nigeria, new infrastructure projects that promote regional integration and competitiveness of countries, new technologies and financing challenges in the road and highway industry across West Africa.

The event will feature 30+ senior key opinion leaders from the full spectrum of players in the value chain, whom will share their experiences, via keynote addresses, panel discussion and case study presentations. We challenge you to participate in the discussion with Q&A sessions being held after each of our sessions!

In addition to the implications of road development and investment, we will be exploring new and cutting edge technology that is increasing the performance of road applications, where recycled materials are being used to great effect and how micro surfacing and crumbed rubber technology is making it easier for roads agencies to maximise existing funds to achieve more.

It is against this backdrop, focusing on the dynamic business of utilities in West Africa, that the West Africa Road Infrastructure and Investment Forum is strategically focused on the following:
• Investment into road infrastructure
• Technological advancement
• Chemical preparations for road development
• Project management and development
• Maintenance and road management

The forum which attracts stakeholders from across West Africa as well as other national stakeholders to showcase the continent’s commitment to the development of superior road infrastructure to further Africa’s economic growth.

For further information contact Peter Colemen on [email protected] or on +44 (0) 208 123 9920