We are delighted to announce that the Institution Engineers of Rwanda and Rwanda Institute of Architects, will be partnering with us for our forthcoming event from the 11-13 March at the Serena Hotel, Kigali.
Water Africa 2020 Seminar – Rwanda’s Urban and Rural Water and Sanitation Challenges in the 21st Century on Wednesday 11th March.
Building and Construction 2020 Seminar – Infrastructural Challenges Facing Rwanda in the 21st Century on Thursday 12th March.
Integrated Urban Water Management Continual Professional Development Workshop by Professor Bob Andoh and the Institution Engineers of Rwanda on Friday 13th March.
Thursday 12th March will be a CPD course in collaboration with the Rwanda Institute of Architects. We end the Programme with a CPD course by Professor Bob Andoh on the last day, 13th March. The first two-day seminar programme and exhibition is free of charge to attend, and the CPD course on 13th March is $50 / 55 RWF.