Guest Post

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We invite guest posts that we consider would be of interest to our readers who are construction industry players.

Who are our readers

They are professionals such as architects and engineers, designers, real estate developers and project managers. It also includes material, machinery and installation suppliers. Contractors and installers.

What can guest posts cover

  1. Particular building or construction projects of signficance.
  2. Posts that highlight a new product or service available to the construction industry. (Press releases)
  3. Posts from industry players who want to share their opinion regarding trends, insights or research findings.
  4. Posts that educate share skills, experience or knowledge of an aspect of construction, design or real estate.

It is essential that the post is AI and plagiarism free and articles must be over 500 words. Post at least 1 picture

Feel free to register here and post your article and expect a response in 24 hours. However, we will not respond to posts that are directed at casinos, essay writing, adult content or any post that has no relevance to the construction industry

All content must be AI and Plagiarism free

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