5 Factors to Consider When Renovating Your Home

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One of the most exciting things for many homeowners is renovating their homes. Statistics show this statement to be true, with around 90% of Americans planning a renovation once in their lifetime. However, as fun as renovating your house might be, it can also be incredibly stressful, especially if you have never renovated before, and even more so if you’re planning on selling afterward.

If you’re considering renovating your home, it’s important to do your research before making decisions. Actually, estate agents in Battersea have a wealth of experience and knowledge regarding property renovations, so it’s worth getting in touch with them to see what they recommend. Once you’ve gathered some quotes and have an idea of the work involved, you can start to put together a budget.

It’s important to factor in all costs, including materials, labor, and any unforeseen expenses. Once you’ve got a clear understanding of the costs, you can start planning your renovation project. Estate agents can provide invaluable help and advice when renovating your home, so make sure to utilize their expertise.

Below are five factors to consider when renovating your home to make the experience enjoyable.

Which Rooms Need It Most?

One of the first things you need to ask yourself before renovating your home would be, “which rooms need it most?” This is quite an important question since you don’t want to end up focusing on rooms that are already modernized and ignoring the rooms that actually need it.

More than this, you might want to consider that you might sell the house one day, and as such, some rooms are more important to buyers than others, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Did you know that great-looking kitchens can increase the value of your home by around 6%?

Who is the Renovation For?

The next thing you should consider, which is actually very similar to the first, is who the renovation is actually for. This makes a great deal of difference regarding which rooms you will be renovating or which features you will be adding. For example, if the renovations are for a tenant, they probably won’t spend as much time gardening as an owner, so sprucing up the garden space might not be the best idea.

If the renovations are for a potential buyer in the future, any renovations you do that add livable space will instantly make the house more attractive and increase the price. Likewise, if you are renovating for yourself, you should consider your family’s needs before renovating anything.

How Long Will It Take?

Another important consideration you need to make would be how long the renovations will take, as this affects quite a few things. The first thing it will affect would be the rooms you decide to renovate. You don’t want to focus on all the rooms or areas of the house that affect living all at once since this will make the experience quite unpleasant.

More than this, the longer the renovations take, the bigger the budget will be, and the more you will end up spending. A great idea would be to create an overall schedule for the renovations and then create individual schedules for each area.

What Services Will You Need?

One of the worst fears for many homeowners going through renovations is that the money will run out. No one wants to have a half-finished house, especially if it affects how you will be living in the house. As such, you need to research and determine which services you will need.

For example, if you plan on knocking down a wall, you will need an electrician and a plumber to check if the electrical wiring and plumbing of the house will be affected. You will probably also need rubble removal services. All these services cost money, so you should ensure you have a good idea of what needs to be done before you start.

You Might Need a Key Lockbox

Finally, before you start your renovations, a key lock box is the last thing you might need before you begin. As mentioned above, you will probably end up using quite a few services, and if you aren’t yet staying on the property you are renovating, it might be quite an inconvenience.

For example, most contractors begin working as early as possible, which means you will need to drive to the house to open up every morning, potentially during traffic hours. Getting a key lockbox can help avoid this, so you don’t have to worry about the house until it is renovated.


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