How Much Does It Cost To Change The Locks on a House

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Changing the locks on one’s house is an essential consideration for homeowners seeking to enhance their security or address a breach. This procedure typically involves a locksmith replacing old lock mechanisms with fresh, new counterparts. The cost to change locks on a house can vary widely based on several factors, including the type and number of locks required, their corresponding security levels, the labor rates of locksmiths in the area, and if any additional services like rekeying or upgrading to smart locks are requested.

The core components that drive the cost include the lock unit price, installation fees, and the potential need for extra keys or electronic access features. Standard deadbolts and entry locksets can be affordable, with high-security or smart lock systems being markedly higher in price. Homeowners should evaluate their security needs against their budget constraints to determine the best approach for changing their house locks.

Factors Affecting the Cost

How much to change the locks on a house can vary widely, influenced by several key factors that homeowners should take into account before hiring a locksmith or purchasing new locks.

Type of Locks

Choosing the type of locks impacts the overall cost. Basic deadbolts and entry locksets are generally affordable, while high-security locks, keyless entry systems, and smart locks cost more due to advanced features. For example, a standard deadbolt may be priced between $30 to $50, whereas smart locks can exceed $200 each.

Number of Locks to be Changed

The number of locks that need replacing will naturally affect the total price. Replacing a single lock is less costly compared to updating all entry points. A homeowner might spend between $100 to $300 for multiple locks, excluding any additional labor costs.

Labor Costs

Labor costs for a locksmith can vary based on location, time of day, and service urgency. Typical rates for a locksmith range from $40 to $100 per hour, with services like emergency lockout assistance potentially driving the price higher.

Additional Security Features

Incorporating additional security features such as electronic access control systems, biometric entry, or reinforcement plates can further increase the cost. These features can cost anywhere from a few dollars for simple enhancements to several hundred dollars for state-of-the-art technology.

Cost Comparison and Tips

Changing locks on a house can vary in cost depending on whether a homeowner opts for a do-it-yourself approach or hires a professional locksmith.

DIY Versus Professional Locksmith

Do-It-Yourself (DIY): Homeowners may attempt to change locks themselves to save money. The average cost of a standard deadbolt lock ranges from $15 to $50, whereas a smart lock can cost anywhere from $150 to $300 for the hardware alone.

  • Hardware Costs: $15 – $300 (depending on lock type)
  • Additional Tools (if not owned): $10 – $100

Professional Locksmith: Hiring professionals ensures a higher level of workmanship and security. A locksmith can charge anywhere from $40 to $100 per hour for labor, with a standard house lock change averaging between $100 and $250, excluding hardware costs.

  • Labor Cost: $40 – $100 per hour
  • Average Total Cost (Labor + Hardware): $100 – $250

Cost-Efficient Lock Changing Tips

  • Bulk Purchases: Buying locks in sets for multiple doors can reduce individual costs.
  • Rekeying: Instead of replacing an entire lock, rekeying can be a cost-effective alternative, typically costing between $18 and $25 per cylinder.
  • Quality over Brand: Invest in high-quality locks rather than expensive brands for enhanced security without excessive spending.
  • Market Research: Compare prices from various retailers and locksmiths to find the most competitive rates.
  • Warranty and Guarantees: Opt for locks with warranties and hire locksmiths who provide a guarantee for their work to avoid future costs due to faults or poor installation.

Properly assessing the need between DIY and professional services, along with implementing smart purchasing strategies, can lead to significant savings when changing house locks.