What You Need to Know Steel Building Construction

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Being one of, if not, the most popular method of steel building construction has been a pivotal part of humanity’s progress. Our cities would certainly look very different if steel building construction was never developed. Part of this building method’s popularity comes from the very nature of steel. It is versatile, durable, and capable of bearing extreme loads with the help of good engineering. .

Hiring a structural steel contractor who is competent and experienced will be imperative if you are to get the best out of your steel structure. Most good steel contractors should be versatile enough to come up with a steel building that can be used in residential, commercial, and specialized structures. Overall though it is important to have a fundamental grasp of the basics

Types of Steel

The varying types of steel are soon on display when you contact a metal company. Do you need plain carbon or mild steel, rebar steel, or structural steel? Each has its correct application within the construction industry. Carbon steel is highly durable, can withstand high pressures, and is relatively flexible. These properties make it the most popular type of steel used in construction.

Rebar steel was developed with the sole purpose of creating extra tension and strength within concrete structures. To better reinforce concrete or masonry rebar steel is made from carbon steel but features ridges on the bar itself to better anchor the structure. The anchoring helps keep concrete in a compressive state. Rebar steel itself comes in a variety of forms other than simple carbon steel. Epoxy-coated and stainless steel variants exist for more specialized purposes.

Then comes structural steel which is composed of specific chemical components to exhibit specific mechanical properties. These are sold as individual pieces like I-beams, Z-s.hapes, and structural channels. The mechanical properties exhibited by structural steel make them durable and extremely heat resistant.


The variety of steel products that can be deployed to construction projects has helped raise steel construction to a mature technology full of benefits. One more benefit is the ability to develop standard frames reducing construction time and helping ensure a consistent end project. Standard frames can be broadly classified into three types, arch buildings, single-span rigid buildings, and multi-span rigid buildings. All of which are finding excellent use cases combined with emerging technologies to open new opportunities within the building industry.

The Process

No matter what type of steel and which frame is chosen to best realize the drawing on paper all steel building construction projects have a single starting point. That being the steel fabrication process. This is where raw materials are turned into the steel needed. The fabrication process includes forging the steel to size and including any aesthetic elements the architect may want. This will then be transported to the job site.

Software is typically used to determine what steel is required, the dimensions needed, and any aesthetic flourishes. Some software packages will include physics engines and material data to help make sure no disasters occur down the line. They can even include virtual reality features allowing stakeholders to “walk” through the yet-to-be-built building, even before fabrication begins.


Steel building construction has helped shape our cities and the infrastructure needed to support the world economy. The mark on a successful economy is how strong a region’s construction industry is and it is steel that helps reinforce that strength.

1 thought on “What You Need to Know Steel Building Construction”

  1. Understandably steel has been one of the most sought after material in the construction industry since it is the best option for durability reinforcements. So I would understand how fabrication companies are also booming. Yet contractors should always find reliable manufacturers.

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