Everyone looks forward to the spring season as it is always filled with color from perennial gardens. Taking care of the perennial garden is a fulfilling and enjoyable task and here are ways to ensure the garden is well taken care of.
1. Adequate Sunlight.
Matching the plants to the correct amount of sunshine goes a long way in keeping the plants healthy. Some plants do well when subject to sunlight all through while others require just a shade of sun.
2. Soil type.
Different plants adapt differently to soil types. Some plants may require soil that is wet and moist while others will do well in quick draining soil. Always ensure your perennial garden has the correct type of soil.
3. Water.
Ensure your plants receive the correct amounts of water. Some plants may require more water than others.
4. Deheading.
Depending on the type of plant, cutting off spent flowers quickly has several benefits such as promoting a healthy root system since a plant’s energy is redirected from seed production which in returns leads to the plants looking refreshing and ready to bloom in the next seasons. Deheading allows you to gain control on the area size flowers can grow in your garden which trickles down to the need to have once you can maintain easily and generally gives a more polished look to the garden.
Tip: If you love your flowers really big, just remove all flower buds on each stem before the buds start to open.
5. Pinching.
If you wish to have a dense, compact and shorter in appearance garden, then pinching should take place early enough. To correctly perform pinching, pinch off the top of each stem and a bud and this will delay the flowering period hence your garden will have a longer bloom time. In addition, cutting off the top 6 inches of the plants using shears is a good way to groom your garden.
6. Cutting back hard.
To maintain a plant’s height and improves it’s appearance, cut down about one third of the plant using scissors or shears. Plants that are pest infested, have diseased foliage and those heavily damaged by insects should be cut back completely.
7. Mulching.
Make use of shredded backs and pinewood straws around the roots of perennial plants. This is important as it retains soil moisture, prevents weeds from cropping up and also the backs and straws offer nutrients to the plants and soil as they degrade over time. Ensure the mulch does not touch the plant crown as it may lead to plant rot and pest infestations.
Tip: mulch your perennial garden with shredded leaves during winter to add nutrients to the soil.
8. Staking perennials.
It is important to insert stakes long before perennial plants need them as it is easier for plants to train in direction to grow while still young. Large perennials may slouch over weaker perennials and may prevent them from accessing sunlight or even crush them down. To do this, make use of branches, bamboo sticks or even commercial supports from garden centers. However, if staking is a daunting task, there are other perennial plants that do not require such effort and are still good for your perennial garden.
9. Make use of fertilizer.
This practice is mostly beneficial during early spring when perennials are just starting to sprout and grow. Once you spread layers of humus or compost manure on the garden, water and worms will drain down the nutrients to the plants roots. Purchasing slow release nutrient plant foods specifically manufactured for perennial plants and applying to your garden also improves the soil’s nutrients. It is recommended to use fertilizer that has high phosphorus nutrients compared to nitrogenous ones as this encourages more bloom and little foliage. However, exercise caution as too much nutrients may destroy plants.
10. Do not plant too close.
As a general rule, do not plant perennials too close as this is always a recipe to spread diseases and infections quickly. This also allows for air to circulate freely and make it easy to remove susceptible plants as soon as they are spotted.
Final words
Perennial gardens provide a season of beauty and color and it is important to put in a lot of effort in the beginning to achieve the desired goals. Find beautiful perennials at TheTreeCenter. Over time and seasons, it becomes very easy to manage your perennial garden due to the years of practice put in.