How to Keep Your Outdoor Bins Clean and Odour-Free

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Outdoor bins play a major role in managing household waste by providing a convenient way to dispose of trash. However, they can quickly get dirty and develop odours if not properly maintained. To ensure a fresh environment around your home, it’s important to know how to effectively clean and maintain your bins. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and techniques to help you keep your outdoor bins clean and odour-free.

Section 1: Cleaning

Establishing a Cleaning Schedule

Regular cleaning is crucial for preventing the buildup of dirt, bacteria, and unpleasant smells in your outdoor bins. It’s recommended to create a schedule for cleaning them so that they stay fresh and hygienic. Aim to clean the bins every two months or more frequently if needed.

Utilising High-Pressure Water Hose

When it comes to cleaning your bins using a high-pressure water hose can be highly effective in removing dirt residue and substances that cause odours. Start by emptying the contents of the bin and then spray both the outside surfaces with the high-pressure hose. Pay attention to the corners and bottom of the bin as well. This method will help remove any debris that’s stuck and ensure a cleaning.

Using a Cleaning Solution

To handle stains and eliminate smells, you can consider using a cleaning solution together with your high-pressure hose. You have the option to create your solution by mixing parts of water and white vinegar, or you can use a mild disinfectant that is commonly found in households. Apply the solution generously allowing it to sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off using the high-pressure hose. Make sure to wear gloves and protective clothing during this process.

Section 2: Controlling and Preventing Odours

Utilising Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient that can effectively combat odours in your bins. Sprinkle an amount of baking soda on the bottom of the bin to absorb and neutralise any smells. This simple effective technique will help keep your outdoor bins smelling fresh between cleanings.

Avoid Directly Putting Moist or Liquid Waste in the Bin

Preventing moisture in your bins is crucial for reducing foul odours. It’s best to avoid placing moist or liquid waste into the bin as it can seep into the bottom promoting the growth of bacteria.

Instead, try using bags or double bagging items that have a liquid content before placing them in the bin.

Encourage Proper Sorting of Waste

Encouraging proper sorting of waste can make a significant difference in preventing odours from developing in your outdoor bins. Provide clearly labelled recycling and composting bins to help your household members or neighbours correctly separate their waste. By separating waste from recyclable materials you can minimise odours and reduce the chances of attracting pests.

Section 3: Tips for Maintaining Clean Bins

Line the Bin with Newspaper or Biodegradable Bags

To further reduce odours and keep the bin from getting excessively dirty, consider lining it with newspaper or biodegradable bags. These liners also make it easier to remove trash from the bin reducing the risk of spills or messes. Make sure that the bin liners are properly sealed before putting any waste and remember to remove them during cleaning.

Keep the Bin Lid Closed

A closed lid on your bin is crucial in preventing odour-causing substances from escaping and keeping pests out. Make it a habit to firmly close the bin lid after depositing waste to maintain an environment from smells. Additionally, check that the lid is in good condition and fits securely to minimise odours.

Keep the Bin in a Shaded Spot

To prevent smells and excessive heat, it’s advisable to store your bin in an area that is not directly exposed to sunlight. Consider finding a spot like under a canopy to a wall or behind a fence. This way, you can maintain a cooler and fresher environment for your bin.


Keeping bins clean and odour-free is crucial for maintaining hygiene and pleasant surroundings. By following these tips, such as cleaning using baking soda and separating waste properly, you can effectively combat dirt and odours. So why wait? Take control of your bins today and enjoy a cleaner and fresher outdoor space.