Common Problems Affecting Commercial Roofs in Kansas City

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A solid and expertly crafted and installed roofing system should safeguard the commercial building for many years. However, you should note that irrespective of how well installed the roofing system is, it will inevitably deteriorate over time due to factors like weather, nearby trees, and poor maintenance. Before you have to repair or completely replace your roofing system, you have to be on the lookout for some common problems so that you can keep the exterior and interior of your building in good shape. Common problems that plague Kansas City roofing range from inexperienced installation to poor roofing products. In this article, we will be looking at these common problems.

Strong Winds

If you reside in Kansas City, then you are aware of how windy the city can be. As a result, it is important to understand that wind uplift can have a disastrous effect and impact on the roofing system of your commercial building. When powerful winds hit the walls outside of your building, a suction movement develops between the building’s moving gale and the roof. The destruction created by powerful winds will make your roof more susceptible to damages caused by storms, pests, or even water.

Damaged Flashing

Flashing is an important part of your roof that moves water away from exposed areas of your roofing system, such as the edges, pipes, seams, chimneys, and vents. However, when the flashing shrinks, breaks, tilts or blows away due to severe weather conditions, it causes water to trickle into the building. It is imperative to get a roofing company to regularly examine Your roofing system at least twice a year. This way, you can find signs of damaged flashing before it gets much worse.

Temperature Fluctuations

Various roofing materials broaden during the hot weather and shrink during the cold weather. Commercial buildings in a city like Kansas that experiences many drastic temperature fluctuations have a higher chance of facing roofing problems unlike buildings in cities with mild climates like Atlanta, Georgia. Temperature fluctuations will cause roofing materials, like the flashing to contract, expand, or break as time passes. This will make your roof vulnerable to other factors that may damage it.

Inexperienced Roofing Installation

Regardless of the many natural factors that could damage your roofing system, you still need an experienced roofing company to handle your roofing installation. Choosing an expert roofer for your installation is essential to have a durable roofing system in a city like Kansas. The roofing company you hire must have professional, trained, and recommended experts to install the roofing material in the particular way you want. Failure to adhere to this will leave you with an inferior roofing installation.

Overlooked Roof Maintenance

The most prominent cause of roof damage and deterioration is neglected maintenance. The good news is that this problem can be entirely managed. By just having your roof regularly examined for unforeseen damages, you can make sure it stays in fantastic shape and avoid expensive problems before they happen. Otherwise, insignificant issues such as slight punctures or damaged tiles can lead to more costly problems over time.

Poor Roofing Materials

Another prominent reason for rapid roof deterioration is the use of subpar roofing products. You will suffer from rapid roof damage if your roofing company chooses to use low-quality roofing materials. At times, you might have just purchased the wrong roofing product for your city’s climate. Ensure you use the best quality of roofing materials available always for durability.

Foot Traffic

Your roofing system must experience foot traffic from individuals hired to either clean, inspect, or repair your roof. Your roofing system will be damaged by the friction caused by hard shoe soles rubbing against the roof. This will lead to punctures that will cause roof leaks. However, foot traffic can be avoided by hiring an expert roofing company that will examine and clean your roof with extra care and precautions.

Roof Sun Deterioration

Your flat rooftop will absorb the harsh ultraviolet rays from the sun. Your roofing system will naturally suffer from deterioration over time. However, with scheduled roof inspections, your roofer can spot early damages caused by the sun on your roof’s surface and can tell you when it’s the appropriate time to change your roofing materials.

Standing Water

Most commercial buildings use a low-slope or flat design for their roofing system. This roofing system gathers snow and standing water. This is common when you have a blocked drainage system. These puddles of water will result in damage and leaks if you don’t unclog your drainage system.


It could be quite difficult to avoid leak deterioration in a city like Kansas. However, by knowing the problems and the solutions to these problems, you can avoid the complete deterioration of your roofing system.