Types of door catches and which your business needs

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Businesses have a wide range of necessities but one that you may not realise is quite as important is door catches. Doors will be located all over your business’ building and ensure your staff are secure within the building and they help to keep warm air in and cold out. Without proper door catchers, however, your doors won’t be securely shut.

With the current energy crisis that is affecting individuals and businesses, having good door catches is imperative. They’ll keep your doors shut at all times and will be able to withstand pressure from the wind blowing them open. This will ensure your business is as energy efficient as possible.

Businesses will have doors all over their building. From fire exits to cupboard doors as well as all the internal doors separating rooms. This means you’ll need to know which door catches fit each door. To help, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide on and the different types your business may need. Read on to find out more.

Bales catch

Sometimes referred to as ball catches, these are perfect for full-size doors as well as smaller cupboard doors. With a spring-loaded ball held within a cylinder, these catches are recessed into the edge of a door and a catch plate is fitted opposite the door.

This allows for easy opening and closing of doors and removes the need for a traditional handle and latch design. Installation is easy too meaning professionals and DIY enthusiasts shouldn’t struggle much.

Roller catch

This catch operates in a similar way to the Bales catch but has a roller in use instead of a ball. This allows for a greater range of adjustments to meet your door’s needs. The roller fitting and sticker plate are recessed into the door and jamb which allows for easy installation.

These door catches are available from places such as RS and are ideal for kitchen cupboards and wardrobe doors which some businesses may benefit from using.

Sprung roller catch

Ideal for internal doors, access doors, cupboards and wardrobes, these door catches are a versatile option that your business can use around the whole building. Often highly regarded for their smooth and quiet operation as well as easy adjustability and installation, you can rely on this catch to keep your doors closed.

Spring-loaded roller catches allow doors to be clicked into place when closing it meaning you and your employees will know when a door is fully shut. This will prevent any doors from being left open when not in use.

All of these catches are great choices to keep your doors shut at all times. This is one of the main ways to keep your business secure from crime and prevent cold air from getting into your business which is imperative to your ongoing success.