Distraction in a construction site in Africa can be a major challenge to construction managers. Distraction can be a big nuisance. Constant distraction in various section of a construction site can result to inefficiency and loses. Some of the major distractions can be Whatsapp messaging and social media.
Here are some of the top tips that will help your team and yourself from constant negative distraction at the work place.
Schedule Your Day the Night Before
In order to be productive, you should make sure that you schedule your day early enough before it begins. Keep yourself on task by scheduling your day before it begins – the night before. Before you leave your desk, jot down the top five tasks you hope to accomplish the next day. Put them in order of priority. Five tasks is a lot, so if you only get through three, consider it a win.
Scheduling your day in advance makes you to be focused from the minute you sit down. You’re less prone to distraction because you know what you are doing.
Limit Yourself to Checking Email and texts to three Times a Day
As we all know emails and social media messages are the one that bring the largest destruction in day to day activities. Email notifications on your phone can hinder your concentration so ensure that it is alocated its time as well. Although you need to keep in touch with your clients, it is important to ensure your work is smoothly done.
Switch off your internet usage
Once you switch off your internet you are assured of not responding to any social media message just as soon as it pops in. Keep your social media temptations at bay by engaging yourself with your work and staying focused. Turn off any notifications on your Smartphone or computer. They’ll be there for you when you’re done with your work or during break hours.