Ask any contractor or a consultant and he will tell you that today it is a daunting task to hire and retain skilled employees. The rate at which skilled staff quit their job is discouraging for an employer who then has to undergo tasking process of interviewing, recruiting, training and interviewing. But why do they leave?
In most cases, they leave to seek for better perks. Fledgling companies are the most affected with staff turnover menace compared to established organizations. People with unique skills are the ones likely to move if they feel what they get is not commensurate to the services they offer.
To respond to staff turnover, most organizations are on the recruiting mode. Every other time they are posting advertisement for jobs online.
But what can employers do to retain skilled employees in their organizations?
Well, ensure that once in a while you review the perks of your employees. If you do not recognize the efforts that your employees put in your company they will definitely turn to other burgeoning companies. An employer should understand that skilled people are highly sort after and retaining them should be your first priority. In case you are facing financial challenges be honest to your staff assuring them that if things get better they stand a chance to benefit.
It is also important that you make your employees feel l that they are part of your organization. An employer can achieve this by implementing positive ideas from his staff. Otherwise, if our staff feels they are not being taken seriously they may opt out and getting another person to perform the same duties as the former could be a hard task.
In most instances before they quit, employees show some signs. For instance, taking long to finish a task and sometimes increase in work related mistakes in addition to absenteeism and lateness at work. It is advisable that if the employer notices these signs you act immediately trying to identify how the situation can be rectified.
All in all, as an employer you should be ready to identify any unusual signs from your staff. For example, an employer who suddenly starts coming to work smartly dressed could indicate he is likely going for a job interview.
Finally don’t forget that even if your skilled employee decides to quit, he may be back. So assure him in the event he doesn’t succeed he can always return. Maintaining your skilled employee will require your effort and your resources as well. They are hard to come by so top in your agenda should be to make them feel comfortable working with you.