Looking at the future of Smart Building

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AutomationBy: Torah Onyango , Eric Mong’are and Yvonne Andiva

In recent years greater demand for energy savings through optimization of building processes has led to an acceleration in the growth in the building automation systems (BAS) industry that was erstwhile simply lumbering along.

Green buildings and environmental concern has also put pressure for more effective systems. Some reports indicate that over the next five years the building automation services market will grow to $43 billion, up from $35 billion this year.

Smart building is the word that best describes a building fitted with BAS. The system allows the control and monitoring of most mechanical and electrical processes. This can include air-conditioning, lighting, alarms and even access control.

New developments in connectivity offer greater opportunity for BAS’s from new sensors and actuators through to cloud application management and data analysis. New soft wares are constantly being developed that expand the reach of BAS offering definable benefits as well as financial savings. Currently, HVAC controls contribute to more than 33% of the global building automation and controls market. However, the security & access controls are estimated to contribute the highest by the end of 2018.

In this article we look at the players in this exciting industry that bring us closer to the realm of science fiction

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