As a manager you obviously need fantastic positive results from your employees in a construction site when carrying out a project. You are well aware that no person will deliver what you need if they are not well motivated or having morale.
When employees in a construction site have low morale towards your construction work believe me you will lose.
As a manager you should always have good creative tactics that will embrace positive changes in your employees in a construction site before you lag behind on the tightly scheduled project.
Here is how to boost the Morale of your employees in a construction site:
1) Always ask for feedback
Working with employees in a construction site without getting feedback from them is more of managing yourself and not the workers. Being open to them and giving them permission to contribute in a positive way is the best way to know what they are facing and what they need to get the work done.
Feedback will help you as the manager know where all is going wrong or good so that you can uplift on the same or make static changes.
The best way to achieve this is to brainstorm with them.
2) Develop strong and transparent promotion tracks.
Your construction employees need to see that you are really having their social welfare in mind.
In order maintain this employees morale not only give them promotions but also give them a small salary increase after every one or two years .This will highly boost their morale. However, you need to give them some few conditions. For instance, their promotions and salary increment will be based on their production.
3) Make lunch breaks real
It has been proved through research that most employees don’t go for lunch during their breaks. In a research done by a Canadian based firm NPR only only one in five people take lunch breaks and those white-collar workers are least likely to step away from their desks for a break. This in return resulted to low productivity in the afternoon due to lack of morale.
4) Celebrate work anniversaries.
As a manager you should appreciate your employees work anniversaries this will keep them going and feel much appreciated.
Work anniversaries are relationship milestones between an employee and a company. According to a survey from Globoforce, 82 percent of people would feel good if people noticed and recognized their work anniversary, but only 36 percent of people say a work anniversary made them feel valued.
5) Give your employees some substantial bonuses
From a research done by Harvard University found that giving a clear bonus, unconditional or surprise financial gifts keeps the morale of your employees up.
According to the research giving gift and bonuses is more efficient that hiring more workers because the ones you have will work more than the many unmotivated.