Top 6 resolutions successful construction managers make

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When each year starts every person has his own resolutions,likewise leadership and management resolutions needs to be made so that one can be successful in  his projects.

Why do construction managers fail?
In most occasions most managers fail terribly simply because they resolve to do something so big, so difficult, so time-consuming—they reach so high, the simple act of reaching gets tiresome. And so they quit.
Ads we are only in March here are is a to-do list you can check off as you go along and you will remain on top on the management game.

1. Do one thing you’ve been afraid to do.
As a manager you should keep in mind that the most paralyzing fear is fear of the unknown. Therefore nothing should at any point stop you from taking action.

2. Apologize for one thing you need to apologize for.
People make mistakes. So we blame them for our problems.
But we are almost always to blame too. Maybe we didn’t provide enough training. Maybe we didn’t foresee a potential problem. Maybe we asked too much, too soon. We did or did not do something we could have.
Take responsibility instead: not in a masochistic, woe-is-me way, but in an empowering way. Take responsibility, and then focus on being smarter or better or faster or more creative next time.

3. Start one thing you’ve always planned to start.
You have plans. You have goals. You have ideas.
Who cares? You have nothing until you actually do something.
Every day, we let hesitation and uncertainty stop us from acting on our ideas. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure often stops me and may be what stops you, too.
Pick one plan, one goal, or one idea. And get started. Do something. Do anything. Just take one small step.
The first step is by far the hardest. Every successive step will be a lot easier.

4. Tell one person how awesome he or she is.
No one receives enough praise. No one. Pick someone who did something well and tell her or him.
And feel free to go back in time. Saying, “I was just thinking about how you handled that project last year” can make just as positive an impact today as it would have then. Maybe a little more impact, because you still remember what happened a year later.
Surprise praise is a gift that costs the giver nothing but is priceless to the recipient.

5. Prove one person wrong.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but one of the best ways to motivate me is to insult me–or for me to manufacture a way to feel insulted, regardless of whether I’m justified in feeling that way or not.
See, whether I’m justified in feeling slighted or angry is not the point. I use rejection to fuel my motivation to do whatever it takes to prove that person wrong and, more important, achieve what I want to achieve.
Call it manufactured anger. Call it artificial competition. Call it, shoot, childish and immature. I don’t care–it works for me.

And it can work for you.
So don’t turn the other mental cheek. Get pissed off, even if your anger is unjustified and imaginary–in fact, especially if your anger is unjustified or imaginary–because that will help shake you out of your same thing, different day rut.
Tell one person yes.

You’re busy. Your plate is full. There are plenty of reasons to sit tight, stay safe, keep things as they are. But that also means tomorrow will be just like today.
Say yes to something different. Say yes to something scary. Say yes to the opportunity you’re most afraid of.
When you say yes, you’re really saying, “I trust myself.”
Trust yourself.

Top 6 resolutions successful construction managers make