Top project management challenges within corporate projects

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Project management is a demanding task.From balancing time,managing risk to ensuring projects are completed on time.

In Africa there most of the projects are done in corporate levels as there are many investors and entrepreneurs in the land.

To help put things in perspective, here is an overview of the top project management challenges that project managers can encounter on the job.

1. Undefined Goals
Most “bosses” give project managers jobs to carry out and yet they don’t have clear or identified goals and this can lead to a team loss.
The upper management need to agree on what to do and define the realistic goals that need to be achieved.

The project in question typically has little chance of succeeding. The project manager must ask the right questions to establish and communicate clear goals from the outset.

2. Inadequate Skills for the Project
Sometimes each and every project requires its own capabilities and skills and therefore some project managers may not be able to deliver is some field.

Project management training can help a project leader determine the needed competencies, assess the available workers and recommend training, outsourcing or hiring additional staff.

3) Lack of Accountability
When dealing with corporates more so in Africa most of the project managers lack accountability and this is caused by the few ‘grid’.

This has made most of the projects come to stand still or even major companies lose great contracts that affect their business.

4) Improper Risk Management
Learning to deal with and plan for risk is another important piece of project management training. Risk tolerance is typically a desirable project manager trait because projects rarely go exactly to plan. Gathering input, developing trust and knowing which parts of a project are most likely to veer off course are aspects of the project manager’s job.

Top project management challenges within corporate projects