The modern day water drilling machines are the advanced forms of older manually operated water drilling machines that were hard to operate and required more labor and time to carry out the drilling tasks.
Equipped with powerful motors these are quicker and highly efficient machinery designed for easy, consistent and precise drilling tasks. Efforts to apply drill to the work piece and carrying out drilling tasks are greatly reduced in today’s user friendly and automated drill machines.
Test lubricant frequently
Lubricant reduces friction around any moving part. A schedule of good lubrication maintenance extends the life of the machines. You can also check for leak around the oil seals and ensure you have used the right lubricant.
Getting a lubricant checked is a good way to diagnose problems with the machines. Tom Weng, a marketing manager at Oriemac International Holding, one of the largest manufacturers of water drilling rigs which offers Mud drilling; Air drilling; air foam drilling; top drive, recommends drill pipes joints and reducers to be lubricated with butter.
According to Nicole Chen, a Sales manager at Evangel International Machinery ltd, a company that offers truck cranes, rotary drilling rigs and horizontal directional rigs, if the machine is too hot one should seize the bearing to reduce friction.

Check for signs of wear
Vibration, shock, high temperature, friction and age all contribute to the breakdown of the parts in the machines
- Vibration can come from gears and belts that are out of alignment.
- Shock can come from accidents or from poor operator techniques.
- High temperature can come from extended use of friction, poor lubrication and worn out parts.
Keep the machines clean
There are many seals and filters in place of the machine to keep working parts clean and free of contamination. Seals should be inspected regularly to make sure they are in good condition.
Filters should be inspected and changed regularly. Breathers should be kept clean to avoid creating a vacuum in the cab which will suck contamination in the cab. Machines should be stored in the shed or other building if possible. Exposure to wind and weather can lead to rust and rot, the machine should be run periodically if not in use.
According to Vivian, Head of Sales at Quzhou Kaipu Machinery Equipment ltd, a china based company that offers hydraulic drill technology, one should keep the inside of the hole clean to avoid blockage that results with the sand that enters the rig.
Allan Allen a marketing Manager at Zhengzhou defy machinery a leading manufacturing company of water drilling rig in order to maintain a drilling machine, notes that one should place the drilling machines in a friendly place and always check and replace the spare parts regularly. Zhengzhou defy machinery offers truck mounted drilling rigs, crawler well mounted drilling rigs and many others.
According to Simon, the CEO of Prodrill company which offers DTH hammer and DTH bits, DTH pipe (tube), DTH sub adapters, RC hammers, bits, drill rods, one has to specify the heat treatment of the machines and specify the stress relief so as to ensure consistent performance of the machine.
Simon also added that while using the machines one has to ensure all the holes in the machine are cleaned.

Sharpen important components
If you are using machinery that has components designed for sharpening, cutting, slicing or chopping, you need to ensure that these components maintain their sharpness. If you don’t perform routine maintenance on specific parts that need to sustain a particular sharpness, you could be putting production quality at a very high risk.
The sharpness of a machine part is important because you need to make sure that cut materials are shaped correctly and accurately. This could include checking the sharpness of tools like end bills, drill bits, lathe tools and precision cutters.
Also read:Water Borehole Services in Kenya
Check alignment specifications
The last thing that you want when it comes to your machine tool is to have a particular component or attachment out of alignment. This could greatly affect your work quality in a very negative way.
To determine if your machine tool is properly aligned, simply perform a few test jobs and measure the resulting parts to inspect how the equipment is currently working. If the alignment is off, you will need to realign the machine in order to maintain accurate specifications.
According to Sandy sales manager at XCMG E-Commerce Inc Group which offers drilling rod, drilling diamond hit, truck crane and many others, one has to check the durability of the machine and ensure the machine is not exposed to moisture which can lead to rusting and ensure all the parts in the drilling machines are working for an easy job while drilling.
Have maintenance and repair schedule, and keep good records
Fluids, tires, tracks and electrical systems are among the components that have to be checked for preventive measures.
In some areas where there is insufficient water supply and non existence of machines spare parts such as cases in remote areas, Mr Robert Hather President Lifewater Drilling Technology advice that, driller should have the tools and spare parts with him that may be required to avoid hiccups.
Lifewater Drilling Technology designs a water well drilling system especially equipped to overcome the challenges found in developing countries. The company was formed to redesign, improve and get the rig into use. The cable tool drilling rig, LDT 360 is the product of this long journey.
Good maintenance is important for workers safety. Large machinery maintenance can be dangerous. It is often conducted in close contact with running machinery. The conditions can be closely confined and unhealthy. Preventive maintenance and schedule equipment overhauls can diminish the chances of large machinery breakdown and thus lessen in onsite repairs.
According to Nicolo Zenga a Marketing Manager in IMT international S.P.A, depth and diameter you want is a factor to note when purchasing a drilling machine. IMT international S.P.A, is a large listed company, able to guarantee product quality such as their new method of water well drilling that allows us to stock the water directly under ground level avoiding contamination and evaporation. IMT is also able to increase the well diameter in order to have an higher output capacity as well as a much more solid water well.

There are different trends in different areas of drilling. According to Geomash Company’s Specialist of the FTA Department, for example, in water drilling people prefer the rotary table machines due to their reliability. People are fed up with unreliable and money greedy companies. Their needs are simple: they require reliable, easy to maintain drilling equipment, which will serve the driller’s purpose for long time.
Geomash produces drilling products such as the “Geomash” drilling equipment that conforms to operating Standards of the Russian Federation and Specifications of the manufacture.
Additionally, Cherrie the sales manager at Wuhan Kudat indusrty and Trade co. ltd which offers hydraulic drilling rigs, truck mounted drilling rigs, rotary drilling rigs, water drilling rigs have become more portable to handle hence increasing the efficiency during operation.
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Good day
I am so impressed by your comments. I have learn something and I wish I can get more couching on using the water drilling rig. I have a portable water drilling rig that was bought by my brother who happened to get sick before he could use the rig. Now the rig is just standing and there is no manual to assist on how to use is a . It a HF200. It can drill up 200m.
I never knew that your pump could suffer from shock if the operation of the machine is poor. My wife and I have been thinking of getting a water drill to aid us in some of the backyard renovations that we need to do for our patio. I will be sure to hire a professional to operate it so I don’t damage it!