Roofing contractors usually do their work at great heights and this exposes them to falling victims when accidents occur. Aside injury to a roofer or his employees, third parties may also be negatively affected in connection to their work. It could well be the case of a client’s property getting damaged. It is often in order to guard against, or at least alleviate, the unpleasant repercussions of such possibilities that roofing contractors are advised to carry adequate insurance all the time. Perhaps, you have no idea of what could be considered as sufficient insurance. Here are four tips that can be used to choose the right insurance for roofers.
Protect Your Business
You are probably so much in love with your work as a roofer. If this is the case, you will therefore not want anything that could possibly drive you out of business to happen. Accidents often occur in the roofing occupation. These accidents could lead to bodily injury to third parties or damage to your client’s property. You could be sued in these instances if you do not take appropriate steps to nip this in the bud. The reality, however, is that you may find it hard to handle medical expenses and costs of property repairs, making the likelihood of you being sued more feasible. This is why you will need to carry general liability insurance to help you guard against possibility of lawsuits being brought against your business.
Consider Your Employees’ Wellbeing
Employees are often the main victims when accidents occur during a roofing work. This makes it important for you to ensure they are covered in the event of these accidents. Workers’ compensation insurance helps in this regard. Many states require that roofers have this coverage to get projects. If by any chance it is possible to bid for jobs in your state without this policy, you will still be putting your business at risk. You stand the risk of having lawsuits filed against you by employees if they happen to sustain injury while working for you. Things could prove messy this way. But, having the right insurance can save you from this sort of problem.
Think about work stoppages
There are certain occurrences that could make it impossible for you to work. For example, you may be hindered from working for some time if an expensive equipment or tool of your gets stolen or damaged. A stoppage could be avoided by having a policy that protects your tools and equipment. In addition, a commercial auto policy could help ensure that your operations are not hindered due to the involvement of vehicles used for your business being involved in an accident.
Consider Ease of Getting Jobs
You could boost your chances of landing lucrative jobs by having the right insurance. Informed clients will not blink twice before throwing out your bid without the right coverage and assurance. It is advisable that you get roofer’s bond to improve your proposal in the sight of clients. Roofers’ bonds serve as a sort of assurance to clients that their projects would be completed to their requirements and in a timely manner.