A Concrete Foundation: Building a Contracting Business from the Ground Up

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Does the idea of living by the sweat of your own brow sound like the perfect life for you? If so, you might be perfect for the contracting business.

Contractors are predominantly self-employed, but even as a self-employed contractor, you’ll need to acquire clients in order to stay in business. So how do you go about landing your first contracting job? And after your first few jobs, how do you stay in business?

The answer is by hard work, determination, and a whole lot of marketing and self-promotion.

Whether you’re specializing in foundation waterproofing and repair or more generic construction work, you’ll need tools to help you get noticed. Luckily, today you have access to numerous tools that can assist you in building your contracting business from the ground up and maintaining that business long into the future. And with the variety of digital tools available, you’ll be surrounded by options.

Here we’ll explore how to start your contracting business, and how to keep the jobs coming in.

Gather Your Tools

First thing’s first, if you’re going to be a professional contractor, you’re going to need the right tools. But the tools that you’ll need are likely going to be dictated by the type of work that you perform.

One of the primary tools that you’re going to need is a reliable work truck. And while you might be tempted to drive up to a new job site and meet with your first potential client in your trusty 1981 Ford Ranger with a missing tailgate, chances are this isn’t going to create the best first impression.

If you want to maintain a professional appearance, you’ll need to look professional in your attire and in the vehicle you drive. So if you need a professional-looking work truck, you can rent one until you can purchase your own. Additionally, you can even rent a 1-ton flatbed work truck for those big jobs that require moving heavy loads, such as equipment or detritus.

Get Active in Your Community

If you’re going to be landing jobs, you’re going to have to get active in your local community. And this means hitting the streets, knocking on doors, and networking with other professionals in the contracting world.

Some people you might want to start connecting with are city planners, housing developers, landowners, and other construction and contracting professionals around town.

The more you get active within the community, the more you’ll be noticed. And the more visibility you have, the greater your chances for landing the big paying jobs you’re going to need to sustain your business.

Once you have all your licensing and permits in place, you’ll be all set to start mingling with local community leaders and landing jobs that will get you paid.

Network Digitally

While personal interaction and word-of-mouth are likely to land you local jobs, getting involved in digital spaces will be your key if you want to increase your visibility and create a broader reach into neighboring communities.

Today we have such a vast array of digital tools, and the power of the Internet is going to be one of your best tools for self-promotion and marketing.

If you want to make a splash locally, setting up business profiles on social media is going to be the way to go. By networking on social media, you’ll be able to start a conversation about your industry and about the services that you’re known for.

But remember, the key to social media and any digital marketing effort is to be consistent and consistently offer content of value to your friends and followers.

Building any business is no easy task. But if you meticulously plan out your strategy and market your services consistently, you’ll be able to place yourself well above the competition. And the efforts that you make now will ultimately become the foundation by which you’re able to build your business and your client base.

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