How to boost productivity at construction Site

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Employee productivity at construction Site is just another fancy term for trying to get people to complete your work on time. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. You are running a small or large company and you need your employees to generate a certain level of output to keep the profits flowing. So the question is how are you going to do it without sounding like a broken record of “self-help”

Boosting employee productivity is no rocket science, however, there is an art of getting the best out of your employees without stressing them out. A good manager will not assert herself/himself as a regulator at work but rather serve as a mentor. Improving employee productivity begins at the managerial level.

According to a study conducted by Deloitte University Press performance management systems across the globe need a major over haul simply because these models are outdated and do not align with modernized business goals. Here are some simple tools you can use to improve employee productivity.
Here are some simple tools you can use to improve employee productivity

1. Keep your employees motivated
It could be a simple pep talk before each work day or you could give a hardworking construction worker a pat on the back every once in a while—there are so many different ways to motivate employees and the best way to keep productivity up is by making sure each one of your workers are determined and happy to their work.

2. Make sure tasks are clearly delegated
Sometimes, a task is left undone because people are waiting for each other on who will do it. Don’t make it a voluntary thing. Make sure each task is clearly assigned to particular workers so that nothing gets left behind.

3. Don’t assign too many tasks to one person
Workers should have their own specific task. A carpenter focuses on the carpentry work. Architects and engineers shouldn’t be expected to hammer down pieces of wood and nails. Plumbers are assigned to install pipes and electricians are tasked to take care of all wirings. If a worker is assigned tasks that are not his expertise, work gets slower and the job becomes inferior.

4. Make sure your employees wear Personal Protective Equipment
While workers should never be careless, it is important especially for those who work in the construction business to wear Personal Protective Equipment at all times. Not only does this protect a person from injury, it also makes production faster as there is no need to be too delicate with each job done. Also make sure to provide you employees with the right equipment. More modern or electrical tools might help prevent injuries and longer working hours.

5. Set target dates and goals.
Everybody should know about target dates. From day 1, your workers should already know what is expected from them. There should be a daily, weekly and/or monthly goal.

6. Offer incentives for those who meet their goals or are going beyond what is expected from them.
Incentives aren’t only for salespersons. Any kind of employee or worker will be happy if they are being acknowledged for a job well done. If someone goes beyond the goal assigned to them, an incentive, even just a free snack or a gift card will go a long way.

7. Make sure you have state of the art, efficient tools
Inefficient tools can either slow down or stop work completely. Instead of going for old, traditional tools, it is best to check on state of the art tools such as cordless drills, nail guns or even an impact wrench. An impact wrench can work so much faster than your traditional hammer.

8. Keep the construction area neat, clean and organized
Finally, the construction area should always be clean and organized. Your workers are doing their job and their assigned tasks and while you can expect them to clean as they go, you must also have cleaning personnel on site to ensure that the place is organized at all times.


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