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$20million Investment in New ECG Churches World-Wide

Home » Buildings » $20million Investment in New ECG Churches World-Wide

The Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church has set up a $20 million fund to help build ECG churches all over the world. The ECG’s leader, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, made the announcement on Sunday night at a special policy direction presentation aimed at laying out how the church will be run in the fiscal years 2022-2023.

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ECG Church Project Plannings

According to Bushiri, the church, which has headquarters in Lilongwe, Malawi, and Bangladesh, has set a goal for each Enlightened Christian Gathering Church branch pastor to come up with fresh ideas that would help their respective ECG Church branches in their respective areas attract more people to the church. All ECG Church Branch pastors will develop their own building structures, according to Bushiri, and will propose their church construction projects to the ECG Church Headquarters for permission to be awarded a portion of the fund of $20 million as a loan, which the branches would repay over time.

According to Bushiri, the church leadership has chosen this stance to guarantee that all ECG churches across the world are contemporary and contribute to their nations’ infrastructural development. ECG has offices in 73 countries all around the world. He went on to say that all church pastors must submit plans that include not just the construction of prayer rooms but also schools and hospitals as part of their initiatives to assist in enhancing the delivery of social services in their communities.

Aside from the money, Bushiri utilized the opportunity to warn all ECG Pastors throughout the world to stay away from party politics. He explained to them that ECG Church recognizes and adheres to the concepts that the church and state complement one other in serving the people and that, as a result, they should preach outside of the pulpit.

1 thought on “$20million Investment in New ECG Churches World-Wide”

  1. Bushiri’s announcement has no credibility. It’s all part of his ridiculous “Jesus Nation” narrative to convince his followers that they are “taking over”, which is his latest theme of indoctrination.

    His announcement doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. From what he has said the funds he is releasing are loans which the pastors of each ECG branch will have to pay back. The funds are also supposedly to be used by each pastor to build schools and hospitals in their respective communities. So on that basis what incentive does each pastor have to take on such a loan?

    How would they recoup their money from building a hospital or a school to be able to pay back the loan? And why would each pastor want to take out a loan to fund the building of an ECG church when that church would ultimately belong to ECG/Bushiri, so he can use it as another source of further enriching himself?

    As usual Bushiri is trying to use other people to fund his extravagant and gaudy lifestyle and as usual there will probably be gullible people (in this case the pastors) tripping over each other to try and impress him until they wake up and realise the financial responsibility they have taken on.

    If these funds are to build ECG churches then why are the funds only being provided as returnable loans? Bushiri should be funding these projects outright. He shouldn’t be expecting anyone to pay the money back.

    I really don’t think this is going to happen. It’s just his usual meaningless empty noise but his followers are too gullible and haven’t got the necessary intellectual capacity to ask the necessary questions. They all believe that 2022 is the year of The Jesus Nation when they will be “taking over”. Taking over what exactly? I hardly think so. It’s just not going to happen but let them all keep deluding themselves and we’ll see how much they have taken over on 31st December 2022. The answer will be zilch. 2022 the year of The Jesus Nation? Don’t make me laugh.

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