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4 new hostels commissioned at Ohangwena region, Namibia

Home » Buildings » Schools » 4 new hostels commissioned at Ohangwena region, Namibia

Ohangwena region in Namibia is set to benefit from 4 new hostels and ablution facilities that were commissioned in the region to cater for a combined 320 learners. This is in order to curb the spread of Covid-19 in schools

Oupili, Oshisho and Onambutu Schools each received two blocks to cater to 64 learners while Ondobe Secondary School, will cater to 128 learners. Five more schools are expected to benefit from the same programme.

Compliance with the Covid-19 regulations in schools

Furthermore, the region will receive US $3.2m to complete the construction of both the hostels and ablution facilities. The money is part of the US $53.7m that was availed to the ministry of education to ensure schools are in compliance with the Covid-19 regulations as prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

According to Education minister Anna Nghipondoka, amongst the ministry’s priority is to construct ablution facilities and avail water at schools. “The government availed funds for us to improve on those aspects which are considered crucial by WHO in order to curb Covid-19,” said Nghipondoka.

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She further added that, in ensuring the learners adhere to social distancing, the government saw it viable to construct hostels in schools that are now catering for grade 10 and 11, but did not have hostels previously, and also upgrade the hostels for those who have.

The education director in Ohangwena region, Isak Hamatwi, said the the schools that received hostels are those that were upgraded to senior secondary school to cater to grade 11 and 12. “Some of the learners at these schools were housed in makeshift classrooms to ease their way to school. The construction of the hostels also saw the construction of ablution facilities,” he said.

He further affirmed that all schools have been provided with ablution facilities except the ones with increased population.