Home » Buildings » $68.5M Approved for Implementation of Sanford Stadium South Side Project

$68.5M Approved for Implementation of Sanford Stadium South Side Project

Home » Buildings » $68.5M Approved for Implementation of Sanford Stadium South Side Project

The improvements and upgrades of the Sanford Stadium South Side project are set to begin soon following the approval of US$ 68.5M by the University of Georgia Athletic Board (UGA) for the implementation of the two-phased project, which also includes the construction of a new indoor tennis facility estimated at US$ 26.7M.

At the board meeting, the senior associate athletic director Matt Brachowski shed more light on the Sanford Stadium Southside project, stating that the South side was a part of the stadium, which had been left untouched since 1912 when the stadium was first built.

Brachowski told those in attendance that this project would be a huge transformation for fans sitting on the South Side, giving them easy access from one side to the other and also cutting down the time it takes fans to return to the game, after visiting the restrooms and concession stands.

Implementation of the Sanford Stadium Southside project

The first phase of the Sanford Stadium Southside project is scheduled to begin this December, and it covers the expansion of the Gate 9 plaza and the width of the South 100-level concourse. The concourse will be expanded from 10 feet, 6 inches to 23 feet in an effort to reduce congestion and allow free flow of traffic through this section of the stadium. 

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Massive renovations will take place around Southside’s Gate 9, which include the addition of more entry gates, restrooms and concession spaces. The project will also feature a Sanford Drive, which will be cordoned off from non-stadium pedestrians on game days. Construction on this phase is expected to be completed by August 2023.

The second phase of the Sanford Stadium Southside project will add restrooms and suites for the 200- and 300-levels, along with a new press box, which will be built in the south-west area at the 400 and 500 levels. A new premium donor seating area will also be built at the site of the old press box located between the 30-yard lines of Dooley Field.

Construction on this phase is scheduled to commence after the 2023 season in December and reach completion by August 2024.

Funding for the project

Funding for the Sanford Stadium Southside project was generated from a planned 5-year $300 million fundraising program, initiated by UGA’s executive associate athletic director Ford Williams.

According to Williams, over $200 million has been raised through the McGill Society UGA since 2015.