Home » Buildings » Alexandra Hospice in South Africa Nears Completion

Alexandra Hospice in South Africa Nears Completion

Home » Buildings » Alexandra Hospice in South Africa Nears Completion

The Alexandra Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre is on schedule to be completed by the end of the year, with construction at 96% complete and set to transform the landscape and health in the region. The Johannesburg Development Agency, the City of Johannesburg’s implementing agent, designed and built this sophisticated facility in Alexandra to bridge the gap by providing healthcare for chronic and terminally ill patients and rehabilitation for intermediate care patients.

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Alexandra Hospice Features

The facility, which has a 48-bed capacity, a frail-care ward, consulting rooms for physicians, physiotherapists, and psychologists, as well as a dining and recreational area, is nearing completion on the corner of Lenin Drive and Far East Bank Drive. For patients and guests to sit and exchange tales, there is a garden and a wall of remembering. There are 16 designated parking places for entrance control, a drop-off area, a guardhouse, and a boom gate.

On the rooftop, a small vegetable garden has been developed. There is a water tank tower for both portable and firewater supplies. To provide a consistent and reliable energy source to carry out necessary activities, the facility also has a backup generator and 114 solar panels. This contemporary structure has a retaining wall, site reticulation, and steel-reinforced concrete foundations for further strength. The Alexandra hospice was in desperate need of funding to serve a population of 900,000 people. The present one is housed in an old, dilapidated school that need repair.

The JDA’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Sherylee Moonsamy, claimed that it was not just the JDA’s desire to construct a facility that would give dignity and medical treatment to vulnerable inhabitants. She stated that the goal was to complete public infrastructure projects with local labour in order to maximize job chances for unskilled and semi-skilled employees. Moonsamy went on to say that they were pleased that the Alexandra Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre, a non-profit organization, will continue to run the institution on city-owned land. From the start of construction, the project benefited 14 local SMMEs, and now that it is nearing completion, a total of 89 permanent job opportunities are expected when the facility opens.

2 thoughts on “Alexandra Hospice in South Africa Nears Completion”

  1. My name is mathilda nange I’m stay at extension 9 Roosevelt Alexandra I interested to work with you at Alexandra hospice.i have health care worker (ancillary)when it open please let me know thank you. My number 0838643181

  2. My name is Marleen Mojapelo I’m interested to work at Alex hospice and rehab center and I have community health care worker level 2 certificate.please notify me when the hospice is completed

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