Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board to transform flood-prone areas in Tanzania

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Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (AQRB) has requested the government to execute a site plan that aims at transforming flood-prone areas in Tanzania into potential development sites in the near future.

The Board’s Registrar Architect, Mr. Jehad Abdallah Jehad confirmed the reports and said that the initiative came about after a research design that was carried out to found out the many ways  of dealing with urban watershed system as an alternative of using impractical plans that most of the time end up wasting resources.

“The project assists in the establishing and implementing of urbanization guides and development conditions in form of alternative approaches that supply the watershed development that sustainable urbanize the watershed systems in the city,” Mr. Jehad commented.

He additionally pointed out that the new project will definitely come in handy for the government and the citizens at large since it will do away with non-enforceable laws and impractical development conditions and regulations that confine encroachment.

“Dar es Salaam’s current master plan has since failed to guide urbanizations that protect the urban watersheds systems even though they are supported by various laws and regulations that restrict habitation, urbanization and development in the hazardous areas that include watersheds and other low-lying areas in the city,” he explained.

In spite of of several schemes aimed at protecting urban watersheds like physical and legal restrictions, demolition and resettlement methods; they have all produced negative results.

“We have got the long-standing solutions over the flood hazardous areas through the plan and the way forward is for the government and all stakeholders to adopt and implement it for the good of the people and the nation at large,” he said.

The project demonstrates a number of possibilities of dealing with flooding and urbanization in the Msimbazi watershed systems in the city.

Activities of AQRB are to register and regulate conducts of Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Conservation Architects, Naval Architects, Furniture Architects, Building Surveyors and Construction Managers among others.

Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board to transform flood-prone areas in Tanzania